Tag: Workout at Home

Are Dumbbells Enough To Build Muscle?

Dumbbells are sufficient equipment to build strength and muscle mass if you know how to use them properly. Many people find it challenging to workout because their schedules are too hectic, the gym is too far away, or for various reasons. Thankfully, many people can exercise with the gym equipment they already own, which is most likely a dumbbell set.

Quick Summary

  • Even though almost any heavy object can stimulate muscle building, dumbbells are the most widely used equipment because they were created specifically for this purpose.
  • Adjustable dumbbells are the ideal type to utilize while trying to gain muscle mass.
  • Your risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease will be reduced by utilizing dumbbells.

How Are Just Dumbbells Enough to Build Muscle?

Just dumbbells are enough to build muscle because they provide you with enough resistance, range of motion, and freedom of movement.

Although nearly any heavy object can increase muscle growth, dumbbells are the most popular tool because they are made expressly for this purpose.

Dumbbells are perfect for increasing muscle growth because they are simple for different exercises. Dumbbell-based exercises are great for building a healthy and powerful physique, even if the unilateral capability of dumbbells allows for better training specificity.

It is crucial to keep in mind that not all types of dumbbells will do to gain muscle, as increasing stress requires consideration of total weight. Your muscle growth will probably stall if you don’t keep adding more weight or volume. This is known as progressive overload, when you steadily increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training routine.

How Heavy Should Dumbbells Be to Build Muscle?

5kg or 10 kg dumbbells should be used to build muscle. In contrast, intermediate to experienced users will strive for weights of at least 15 kg dumbbells.

There are many things that decide what weight dumbbell you should use. In addition, you should be able to tone your body and build muscles using these medium-weight dumbbells. Although they come in various materials and shapes, they need to provide a secure grip for your work.

What Kind of Dumbbells Should Be Used to Build Muscle?

The kind of dumbbells you should use to build muscles are adjustable dumbbells. Although practically any dumbbell can provide a training stimulus, the best ones to buy are adjustable dumbbells because you can adjust weights on them and save space and money.

It is also possible to purchase a set of incremental dumbbells. However, this will require significantly more space and money if you do not have access to an adjustable dumbbell or your training level exceeds the maximum weight of your adjustable dumbbell.

What Are the Benefits of Using Dumbbells?

The benefits of using dumbbells are lowering your risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. Dumbbell exercises at the gym can help you sleep better.

Strength training promotes lean muscle growth, which helps with fat burning. Additionally, increasing lean muscle mass and fat burning contribute to weight loss. One of the advantages of using dumbbells is that by utilizing stabilizer muscles, they increase functional strength.

Best Dumbbell Exercises for Building Muscles

Although we’ve proven that using dumbbells can help you build muscle, it has still not been discussed which workouts work best.

Due to the much higher rate of muscle growth observed throughout the body and compound exercises continue to be the most effective way to employ a limited quantity of equipment, the following dumbbell workouts are predominantly compound movements.

Dumbbell Chest Presses

One of the most efficient ways to enhance the deltoids and chest muscles without running the risk of a muscular imbalance is to do the regular dumbbell bench press and its many variations.

The dumbbell chest or bench press, unlike dumbbell rows, is typically only performed with low to moderate amounts of weight since the exerciser’s stance makes it challenging to transfer the dumbbells into the proper beginning position.

Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell rows are a common sight in many bodybuilding workout regimens, where they are utilized to build the biceps and upper and middle back muscles.

One side of the body is often trained using moderate to heavy weights, ensuring greater neuromuscular engagement than non-dumbbell row variations.

Dumbbell Squats

Though the barbell squat is frequently regarded as the best leg exercise, the dumbbell squat shouldn’t be overlooked because, with the right volume and grip strength, it may match the former exercise’s intensity and efficacy.

If one’s grip strength is insufficient to hold heavy dumbbells in both hands, one may choose the goblet squat instead, which should allow for a higher maximal load.

Dumbbell Deadlifts

The dumbbell deadlift, a little less popular than the other dumbbell exercises in this article, is a traditional deadlift done with dumbbells.

Dumbbell deadlifts exercise nearly every muscle group in the body to some extent, much like the traditional barbell deadlift. However, they are most effective when utilized as a part of a strength-training routine instead of a bodybuilding one. When executing this dumbbell exercise, beginners should exercise caution as the potential of injury might be high without appropriate knowledge of proper form and exercise mechanics.

Dumbbell Overhead Presses

The dumbbell overhead press can be performed while sitting or standing, and the dumbbells can be twisted in a hammer grip or held horizontally at the shoulders. This exercise can be incorporated into any upper body strength routine.

The shoulder’s deltoid muscle is worked during this workout. Standing dumbbell overhead presses target the core for stability throughout the movement and strengthen the shoulders. Daily, you might have to put things on shelves above your head or your luggage in the airplane’s overhead bin. You can execute these things safely if you have the strength that comes from this exercise.

Dumbbell Exercises by Weight

You’ve probably noticed several dumbbells available in pounds and kilograms if you’ve ever gone shopping for them. Use KG dumbbells if you intend to participate in Olympic lifting or powerlifting events. You owe it to yourself to stock your home gym with kilos-scaled dumbbells.

Another widespread myth is that to gain muscle is that you must lift large weights. That is false. Many people wrongly believe that using light weights won’t allow you to gain muscle. You can achieve the same level of burn by using light dumbbells for more repetitions (15 to 20 or more), equivalent to lifting a heavier weight five times.

It is also a simple way to add difficulty to bodyweight exercises. Additionally, you may always use two tiny dumbbells while performing a one-armed workout to boost the intensity.

Lifters who want to bulk up and gain muscle will probably choose a heavier weight. But the reality is that there is no ideal course of action. Both heavy and light lifting is beneficial. Muscle exhaustion is the most critical aspect of building muscle. Regardless of the amount of weight you are using, the aim of your workouts should always be to exhaust your muscles.

Lightweight Dumbbell Exercises (1 KG – 10 KG)

Here is the list of lightweight dumbbell exercises:

  • Kneeling Bicep Curl
  • Squat Thrusts
  • Lateral Lunges
  • Weighted Side Plank Twist
  • Bent-Over Single Arm Rows

Lifting light weights can provide an equally effective workout, particularly regarding muscular endurance.

Heavy Dumbbell Exercises (15 KG – 30+ KG)

Here is the list of heavy dumbbell exercises:

  • Bent-Over Rows
  • Bench Press
  • Calf Raise
  • Curls
  • Farmers Carry
  • Dumbbell Deadlift

Your muscles become stronger when lifting heavy weights without adding much mass or size.

4 Reasons Why Dumbbells Are Enough to Get You Jacked

While there is no quick fix for being ripped, the appropriate workout program may help you tighten and strengthen every muscle in your body using dumbbells. Success depends on sticking to a rigid workout program and giving your body time to recover between sessions.

Four reasons why using only dumbbells will get you jacked are covered in the list below.

1.) Exercise Versatility

Dumbbells can be used to some extent for any exercise that a barbell can do.

Specific exercises, including back squats, deadlifts, and good mornings, are undoubtedly simpler to perform with a barbell. Squats and deadlifts can still be performed using dumbbells. Simply said, it will become more uncomfortable, especially as the weights increase.

And the dumbbell variety performs equally well or better for many exercises. Exercises like rows, curls, triceps extensions, and lateral raises (no barbell variation available) There are many ways you can perform a barbell curl, for instance. But you can alter your grip when using dumbbells. 

And this has the potential to modify the exercise’s focus drastically. In addition to regular curls, there are also a hammer, pinwheel, concentration, and Zottman curls.

2.) Dumbbells Address Muscular Imbalances

When one side compensates for the other, muscular imbalances occur. They may also happen if the size and strength of antagonistic muscle groups (opposing muscle groups) are excessively out of balance. An illustration would have underdeveloped lats yet strong and overdeveloped pecs. If imbalances are not corrected, they can cause damage and be unappealing.

Barbells make it far too easy to introduce imbalances. Have you ever completed a challenging barbell bench or shoulder press only to realize the bar was slanted on the final rep? This shows that one group of muscles is more powerful than the other.

Dumbbells solve this problem since they make your body function in a single direction.

Therefore, you cannot rely on your strong side to compensate for your weak side. It needs to force its way through the lift on its own [1].

3.) Dumbbells Are More Ergonomically Friendly

You have two grip options while using a barbell on a bench press: overhand (pronated) and underhand (supinated). As a result, the selection of grips is very limited.

Although learning is challenging, you can teach yourself to keep your elbows tucked in.

However, you can perform fully protonated, semi-pronated, or neutral grip exercises with dumbbells. Your body can move in a more natural motion when you can switch grips in this way. 

The elbows come into your body when you change your grip for the bench press to a position halfway between neutral and pronated. Your shoulders won’t have to bear as much weight, and your risk of damage will probably be lower. Dumbbells can typically be used in a way that is more anatomically appropriate because they are smaller than barbells. 

4.) Dumbbells Provide a Superior Range of Motion

More muscle tissue is worked as the range of motion increases. For instance, if you stop short of parallel during squats, you can lift more weight than if you went parallel (or below). However, you can lift more weight in this position because you aren’t using your entire range of motion. Additionally, you are not targeting as much general muscle as you would.

Dumbbells offer a wider range of motion for several exercises than barbells. This is because most barbell workouts somewhat restrict the range of motion. Consider the bench press with a bar.

The weight is at its lowest point when the bar reaches your chest during a barbell bench press. You simply cannot go lower. However, dumbbells allow you to slightly lower your arms for a deeper stretch and greater muscle engagement.

What Muscles Can Dumbbells Work?

Dumbbells can work the chest, biceps and triceps, latissimus dorsi, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. You can develop full-body strength, muscular mass, and fat loss with just dumbbells. 

Your upper and lower bodies will burn off in this total-body dumbbell workout, which also works to develop core strength and cardio stamina. Yes, it’s a workout that pretty much accomplishes everything.


You can target your shoulder from a variety of angles using dumbbells. All three heads of the deltoid muscle are engaged as a result. All of your stabilizer muscles must be active when using dumbbells.

Every shoulder exercise provides versatility and makes your core work harder to keep everything together. All three heads of your deltoids are targeted by dumbbells, which can be used to build and sustain tension in the muscles.

Biceps & Triceps

You strengthen your bicep muscles with a flexion motion. This motion is used in several dumbbell exercises that target the biceps, such as dumbbell curls. There are several curl variations as well, all of which work your biceps and triceps. 

Three separate muscles that link your elbow to your shoulder are together known as your triceps. Using dumbbells to isolate your triceps will help you gain muscle mass quickly.

Latissimus Dorsi

The latissimus dorsi, often known as the lats, begin in the lower back and form a “V” shape before spreading out to the top sides of the back. This big muscular group can be worked out using dumbbell movements like the bent-over row.

During this exercise, you must draw your shoulder blades inward as you raise the weights to your lower stomach. Both the major and minor rhomboids, which are located between the shoulders, are also worked by this.

Glutes, Quadriceps & Hamstrings

The gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus make up your glutes. Your quads are located in front of your thighs. On the back of your thighs, your hamstrings begin beneath your glutes and extend all the way to your knees.

Dumbbells can be used to exercise all of these muscles. Your glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings will all benefit significantly from dumbbell lunges. These muscles are activated by knee and hip flexion and extension.


Can I Build Muscle With Just Dumbbells?

Yes, you can build muscle with just dumbbells. While there is no quick fix for being ripped, the appropriate workout program may help you tighten and strengthen every muscle in your body using dumbbells.

Are 5KG Dumbbells Enough to Build Muscle?

Yes, 5kg dumbbells are enough to build muscle. You should be able to tone your body and build muscles using these medium-weight dumbbells.

Are 10KG Dumbbells Enough to Build Muscle?

Yes, 10kg dumbbells are enough to build muscle. For those new to working out at the gym or who haven’t gone in a while, 10 kg of dumbbells will be plenty to start seeing changes in your appearance.

Do Heavier Dumbbells Build More Muscle?

No, heavier dumbbells don’t build more muscle. It is a misconception that you need to lift more weights to bulk up; if you’re consistent and persistent, you can get identical results using lighter weights.

How Can I Gain Mass With Dumbbells?

You can gain mass with dumbbells by doing exercises like clean and press and Arnold press. To build muscular mass, you must tear the muscle as much as possible.

Why Is Free Weight Training So Important?

Free weight training is so important because it forces you to use your muscles to stabilize movement. 

Thanks to this, you can develop strength, power, and coordination all at once. They can be used in various situations and methods, making them versatile. 

You can adjust your posture in a variety of ways to better meet any unique needs you may have while doing out.

Let me know which is your favorite exercise to do with the dumbbells.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

Author Bio

Vanja Vukas Avatar Image

Vanja is a Faculty of Sport and Physical Education student and a functional training enthusiast. He fell in love with the idea of functional strength during his sportsman years when his coach showed him movement pattern-based training. Today, he aims to convey as much knowledge as possible through his blog Functional Body Savage and create modern functional savages.

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How To Build A Home Gym for Less Than $1,000

Gyms are great, but monthly memberships are expensive. So, in this article we will teach you how to build a quality home gym for less than the price of a yearly gym membership!

A Guest Article by Brian of HomeGymStrength.com

And yes, a home gym can not only cost less than a typical gym membership, but also save you money in the long run.

A normal gym membership costs around $100 a month. This is for a gym that gives you good equipment and facilities. You can count the time and transport expenses on to that and it quickly balloons to a $1200 per year ordeal.

While this may not seem like a lot, especially if you are getting some quality equipment, that membership comes with limitations that your home gym doesn’t have.

Building a Home Gym

Building a home gym is convenient and it allows you to get a workout in whenever works best for you. The best part is, it doesn’t even need to cost a lot.

You wake up, go to your home gym, do some quality exercises and that’s it. No need to drive to the gym that is probably too busy anyway.

How to Build a Home Gym

Building a home gym is not that hard. You just have to look for good equipment online and have it delivered at your place.

Get Used Equipment

Finding used equipment is going to save you a lot of money when building your home gym.

Sure, if you can afford new stuff, then it is all good. But usually used equipment is not only cheaper but also just about the same quality. Gym equipment is made with durability and reliability in mind. So if someone used the equipment responsibly, it should still be in top condition.

You can find used equipment on Facebook Marketplace, Let Go, and even Craigslist. This guide about the best apps to find used home gym equipment will help. 

Just make sure the items are delivered to your home and wear protective gear when you receive them.

Get a Squat Rack

A squat rack is a good starting point. There are two types of squat racks; the full rack and the half rack. If you have a small space, get the best half racks. If you have ample area, get one of the best full squat racks.

Get a Bar

No, not the one that serves drinks. Get an Olympic barbell. Most are made out of incredibly strong materials and a used one won’t have any problems.

Get Weights

If you are new to lifting get bumper plates. If you already have a padded floor, you can get the best Olympic weights.

Get Adjustable Dumbbells

Some good quality adjustable dumbbells would complement the rest of the equipment nicely.

Get A Program

There’s no point in building a home gym if you don’t know how to use it. Make sure you start off on the right track with a good quality Workout Program.

Here’s Some Rough Math

For a total of $1000! And this is how you can build a home gym for less than the price of a monthly gym membership!

And don’t forget to get a quality Workout Program!

Now go forth and build some Home Gym Gains!

Here’s how to set up your Home Gym >>

If you need to squeeze your home gym into a box room or the spare corner of your apartment check out this post Best compact home gym for limited space (buyer’s guide) for some decent options that will help you get the most out of your space.

Stronger In Minutes | Home Bodyweight Workout Routine

We all want to get strong, lean, and fit. But we don’t all have the time we need to go to the gym or run around doing cardio classes. Well, now you don’t have too! Stronger In Minutes is the perfect every day home bodyweight workout routine for beginners to get fitter, leaner, and stronger in just minutes a day!

A Workout anywhere, anytime! Just set a timer and go to work at your own pace!

All you need to get started is:

A Home Bodyweight Workout Routine for Beginners

You need something fast, that fits your schedule and does not take away from other parts of your day.

One of the greatest difficulties with exercise for most people is time and equipment. Many of us have long, hard days, full of work, caring for your family, and our beloved T.V. shows that leave little time for any extra activity.

The last thing we are thinking of on these days is our health and doing exercise. Some of you may be progressive and take the occasional walk or staircase climb, but we should know by now that that does not actually create any needed changes to your health.

You need something fast, that fits your schedule and does not take away from other parts of your day. Well, as our Motto says, “If you can Change Your World, you can Change The World”, and we are here to start changing yours.

So, that is why we made this home bodyweight workout routine for beginners. To help fit fitness into your life, making fitness a lifestyle for you and your family!

All you need is some floor space, a timer, and the Daily 30 Bodyweight Strength Training Guide to guide you!

Try it today and you will feel great, guaranteed! 

The Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercise Routine

The Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercise Routine has already helped thousands of men, women, children, and teens just like you:

  • Get Stronger
  • Lose Body Fat
  • Improve Mobility
  • Recover Faster
  • Increase Muscular Fitness
  • Decrease Muscle and Joint Pain—Naturally
  • and so much more!

Take our 30 Day Challenge to find out for yourself!

The Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercise Routine is a simple, fast and effective Bodyweight Exercise Routine that combines only the most effective Bodyweight Strength Training Exercises into an easy-to-follow Full Body Workout!

The best part is, anyone can do it; children, teens, men, women, and even seniors! You can do it with your family, while you’re watching kids, during your favorite T.V. shows, or throughout the day as a short break from stressful work.

This makes it the perfect home bodyweight workout routine for beginners that want to get strong, lean and fit—fast! Do it anywhere, anytime! And it only takes a few minutes every day!

Learn more about the Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercise Routine! >>

The Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercises

One round of the Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercise Routine consists of the following 3 exercises performed for 10 repetitions each.

Standard Version:

  1. Paleo Squat
  2. Push-Up
  3. Prone Cobra

*You can always add more Bodyweight Exercises. However, never skip over or vary from these 3 base movements.

Modified Version:

  1. Assisted Paleo Squat
  2. Decline Push-Ups
  3. Standing Prone Cobra

This modified version is for those that are injured or unable to perform the standard version due to other limitations. 

Get the Daily 30 Bodyweight Strength Training Program! >>

The Stronger In Minutes Workout

Finally!!! You can start getting stronger anywhere, anytime in just a few short minutes!

This is a home bodyweight workout routine that you can do anywhere, anytime, and at your own intensity. It can easily fit into your life and will help you get stronger, leaner, and fitter!

Simply evaluate how much time you have and use every minute of it to improve your health! If you have 5, 10, 15, 20, or even 30 minutes, then set a timer and do as many rounds of the Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercise Routine as you can.

Try to do a minimum of 1 round per minute, resting only as needed. If you need more rest, then catch your breath and keep going. If you can handle the intensity, then push your self to go faster and do even more with less rest.

The key is you have to push yourself. The more you put in the more you will get out. So, work hard and always strive for progress!

This home bodyweight workout routine should be done 3-6 days per week. Try to do a minimum of 50 minutes of total work every week.

Bodyweight Workout Details

What makes this bodyweight workout routine so effective is its simplicity. You are only doing the most effective and basic bodyweight exercises that are bodies are designed to do every single day. Nothing fancy or too hard for beginners. Just what works!

Also, as you switch between upper and lower body exercises your heart will have to work extra hard to circulate the blood to these peripheral areas, adding to your metabolic demands. This will help to improve your heart function, blood flow, and cardiovascular conditioning with minimal work.

Scale the intensity of the exercises as needed to complete each with proper form. If your strength is holding you back from continuing the workout you may also hold a low squat position or the top push-up position for a count of 10 to continue the workout.

Get Started Today!

This is a very simple and easy home bodyweight workout that will help you get strong, fit, and lean all at once! Plus, you will gain physical and mental strength while relieving any built-up stress.

Again, all you need to get started is:

Then you’re all set! So go get the guide and set that timer today! 

For more No Equipment Home Bodyweight Workout Routines check out: 

No-Gym Workout Methods to Get in Peak Shape

David Goggins Workout Routine & Diet Plan Train Like a Navy Seal


The 3 Best Bodyweight Exercises Anyone Can Do

The 3 Best Bodyweight Exercises Anyone Can Do At Home

These are the 3 Best Bodyweight Exercises anyone can do at home or in the gym; to get stronger, burn fat, build muscle, prevent injury, lose weight, and decrease pain! They are basic, simple, quick and easy for a fast workout, anywhere!

3 Best Bodyweight Exercises anyone can do at home with the Daily 30

The 3 Best Bodyweight Exercises that you need to be practicing every day are:

  1. Paleo Squats
  2. Push-Ups
  3. Prone Cobras

These basic foundation exercises are designed to build your full body strength, health, and fitness.

The Paleo Squat

the daily 30 fitness challenge

By going into the full depth Paleo Squat daily you will help to actively stretch out your muscles which in turn takes the pressure off of your joints.

The full depth position is especially great for spinal decompression, which is caused by bad posture, sitting and age. By simply performing this incredible exercise daily you can help to alleviate almost all of your muscle and joint pain!

Learn More!


push up proper form

Push-ups are a great way to improve our upper body strength!

It not only works your arms, shoulders, and chest but your entire body from head to toe as you have to maintain a strong body position during the entire exercise. This promotes core strength during movement as you build up your body’s stabilizers.

Just remember, keep everything straight from head to toe! No mountain or valley hips (hips raised high or hips dropped low). 

Learn More!

Prone Cobra Exercise

prone cobra yoga exercise for posture

Now, most people cannot do a Pull-Up, so we made a modification to accommodate everyone by replacing the Pull-Up exercise with a Prone Cobra Exercise.

The Prone Cobra is a Yoga Based Movement that works your entire posterior chain musculature helping to set our shoulders back in a better anatomical position while building core strength. This exercise works your entire back while stretching out our commonly tight chest and shoulder musculature, greatly improving our posture.

If you have bad posture, this is a great way to correct it!

Learn More! 

The Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercise Routine

All 3 of these exercises make up the Daily 30 Bodyweight Exercise Routine!

Every exercise in the Daily 30 can be tailored specifically to your current physical abilities.

We even have modified versions for those with injuries, disabilities or physical limitations; and they will still make you feel GREAT!!!

Learn more about The Daily 30 Bodyweight Workout! >>

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Daily 300 Fitness Routine Self-Evaluation

The Daily 300 is a continuation of the Daily 30 Bodyweight Fitness Routine. It is a self-evaluation to check your fitness level, after completing the Daily 30 Challenge.

It is recommended that you do the Daily 300 once every 60-90 days in order to check your improvement and to test your body’s level of fitness. Each time you perform the Daily 300, try to beat your time! The goal is to always keep moving forward. Push for more every time!

push up proper form

How To Do the Daily 300

Do 10 rounds of the Daily 30 as fast as possible to test your fitness level.

(10 Paleo Squats + 10 Push-Ups + 10 Prone Cobras) x 10 Rounds = Daily 300

Your time determines your fitness level:

15+ minutes = Beginner Fitness

12-15 minutes = Basic Fitness

10-12 minutes = Moderate Fitness

8-10 minutes = Advanced Fitness

<8 minutes = Elite Fitness

Current Record Time:

8m:12s by Ryan Mathias

Think you can do better?

Record yourself doing the Daily 300 continuously for time and post it to a viewable network (YouTube).

Then send the link to ryan@mathiasmethod.com to be evaluated for the new record holder! Good Luck!