Mobility Stretching Exercises

Welcome to the Mathias Method Strength – Flexibility Guide! Here we will teach you how to do only the best mobility stretching exercises to decrease muscle and joint pain. Let’s get started!

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Mobility Stretching Exercises to Improve Flexibility

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Decrease Pain and Improve Performance

Mobility work, flexibility training, and stretching exercises are NOT fun! We all know this. It is boring, time-consuming and most of all PAINFUL!

However, making sure that your joints have enough mobility to feel good and perform well is vital for your strength. Just by taking a few minutes before and after each workout to help improve your flexibility with a few stretching exercises, can make a big difference!

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Remember, a healthy joint and muscle must be both strong and flexible. If there is too much strength without flexibility then there is a higher potential for ligament, muscle, and joint tears. If there is too much flexibility without enough strength then the joint is unstable and has a higher potential for dislocation.

Therefore, to maintain a high level of performance there must be strength and flexibility throughout the body.

How To Cure Tendonitis >>

Workout Mobility


First, pre-workout mobility exercises are meant to better prepare your muscles to perform at their highest level. That is why you never see a high-level athlete start any workout without doing some sort of active warm-up, or organized routine.

The routine usually goes like this:

During your area-specific stretches, if you have any tight areas that prevent you from proper lifting technique, then this is the time to work on them with foam rolling or long-duration stretches. And you should also consider doing the same after your workout. This will help you prepare for next time.

Learn more in our Mobility Warm-Up Guide >>


Next, post-workout mobility stretches should focus on, but not be limited too, the workout’s main muscle groups. For example, if you just did a squat workout, focus on stretching your quads, hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors. Unless those muscle groups already have a good range of motion. Then you can skip them.

Instead, focus on mobilizing short and tight muscles to better improve range of motion.

Each post-workout mobility technique should be done for a minimum of 2 minutes, on each side, to create lasting change. Anything less is not going to do much to improve your flexibility.

Check below for all of our Mobility Stretching Exercises!

Rest Days

It is best to do your mobility work right after your workout. And while you’re still warm. However, it can also be done on non-training days.

Also, your workout mobility can be replaced by any other activity that improves your body’s ability to move as intended without pain. Such as foam rolling or Yoga.

The goal is to get in at least 30-40 minutes of mobility work each week. That is just 10 minutes 3-4 times per week! This will improve your recovery, performance, and strength. 

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How To Stretch Properly

Mobility work in the Mathias Method is used to increase joint range of motion through self-myofascial release techniques and active stretching.

No mobility technique is meant to be static, or passive. For each stretch, find tension and work through it with controlled movements. You can move in-and-out of tension or use contract-relax techniques to stretch even farther.

  • Mobilize after every workout, while your body is still warm, for the greatest effects.
  • Do each stretch for at least 2 minutes per side to gain lasting change.
  • When moving into tight positions, do so slowly. And hold the tight position for 2 seconds before moving slightly back out.
  • You can also use contract-relax techniques while at the end-range. Simply, contract the stretched muscle or opposing muscles for 5 seconds before relaxing and stretching deeper for 10 seconds.
  • Remember to always maintain safe joint positions and a safe environment. If you feel numbness, burning or tingling then stop and reset. Or move to a less intense stretching exercise.

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Joint Mobility Exercises

Here’s how to do the best mobility stretching exercises to decrease muscle and joint pain. Plus, improve flexibility in your knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, wrists, and ankles.

Ankle Mobility

Elbow Mobility

Knee Mobility

Hip Mobility

Shoulder Mobility

Spine Mobility

Wrist Mobility

strength training warm up routine

Get our Workout Mobility Warm-Up Guide for more!

Learn how to decrease pain, improve performance and prevent injury with mobility stretching exercises specific to your workout!

Be ready for any workout in 15 minutes or less!

Learn more!

Learn How To Use A Foam Roller >>

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