Tag: Burn Fat

Fat-Burning Workouts | The Best Exercises for Losing Weight

When it comes to losing weight, not all exercises are created equal. The key to effective fat-burning workouts lies in choosing activities that not only burn calories during the session but also boost your metabolism long after you’ve finished. This article delves into the best exercises for shedding those extra pounds, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to enhance their weight loss journey.

Understanding Fat Loss

The science of fat loss is rooted in the concept of burning more calories than you consume. This calorie deficit can be achieved through diet, exercise, or a combination of both. However, certain types of exercises are particularly effective at burning fat because they not only consume a lot of energy but also trigger metabolic changes in your body that promote continued calorie burning.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a form of exercise that involves short bursts of intense activity followed by a brief period of rest or lower-intensity exercise. This method is highly effective for fat burning due to its ability to elevate your heart rate quickly and keep your metabolism high for hours after the workout. HIIT can be adapted to any form of exercise, whether it’s running, cycling, swimming, or bodyweight exercises.

Strength Training

Contrary to popular belief, strength training is just as important for fat loss as cardio. Lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises helps build muscle, and more muscle means a higher resting metabolic rate. This is because muscle tissue burns more calories at rest compared to fat tissue. Incorporating strength training into your workout routine not only helps in burning fat but also shapes and tones your body.

Consistent Cardiovascular Exercise

Regular cardiovascular exercise is essential for burning fat and improving overall health. Activities like running, cycling, swimming, or even brisk walking increase your heart rate and burn a significant number of calories. Consistency is key here; making cardio a regular part of your routine maximizes fat loss over time.

Compound Movements

Exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, known as compound movements, are highly efficient for fat burning. Squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows are examples of exercises that engage various muscles and burn a considerable number of calories while improving overall strength and stability.

Flexibility and Recovery

While often overlooked, flexibility training and recovery are vital components of a fat-burning workout plan. Stretching helps prevent injuries and can improve your performance in strength and cardio workouts. Similarly, ensuring adequate recovery time is crucial for muscle repair and growth, which in turn aids in fat burning.

Nutrition and Hydration

Your diet plays a crucial role in your fat loss journey. Pairing your workout routine with a balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates can significantly boost fat burning. Additionally, staying hydrated is essential for optimal metabolic function and exercise performance.

Enhancing Workouts with Professional Guidance

An in-home personal trainer brings the gym to your doorstep, offering a convenient and personalized approach to your fitness goals. They provide expert advice, tailor workouts to your unique needs, and keep you motivated and accountable. This one-on-one attention ensures you’re performing exercises with proper form, maximizing effectiveness while minimizing injury risk. Their presence can transform your routine, making each session more efficient and aligned with your specific objectives for fat burning and overall health.


Losing weight effectively through exercise requires a combination of high-intensity workouts, strength training, consistent cardiovascular exercises, and compound movements. Incorporating flexibility and recovery into your routine, along with a healthy diet and adequate hydration, further enhances your fat-burning efforts. Remember, the journey to losing weight is unique for each individual. It’s about finding the right balance and methods that work best for you. With the right approach and possibly the guidance of an in-home personal trainer, you can achieve your weight loss goals and enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle.

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Do Fat Burners Really Work?

In the realm of weight loss supplements, fat burners have gained considerable attention as a potential solution for shedding excess pounds. However, their effectiveness often sparks skepticism and uncertainty. In this post, we’ll look closer at fat burners, their ingredients, and whether or not they deliver the promised results.

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What are Fat Burners?

Fat burners are dietary supplements containing various chemicals that promise to increase energy expenditure, accelerate fat metabolism, reduce hunger, or improve overall weight loss. They frequently have a combination of ingredients that are thought to alter metabolisms and fat oxidation, such as caffeine, green tea extract, thermogenic compounds, and herbal extracts.

How Do Fat Burners Work?

To determine if a fat burner really works, it’s essential to examine the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness. Several key ingredients found in fat burners have been extensively studied and shown promising results.


Caffeine is a common element in many fat burners because of its stimulant properties, which increase energy levels and may accelerate metabolism. It may also improve focus and athletic performance, resulting in more calorie burn during workouts.

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Green Tea Extract

Catechins, notably epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), are found in green tea extract and are thought to have thermogenic characteristics. EGCG may enhance fat oxidation and raise metabolic rate, contributing to weight loss.

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Thermogenic Compounds

Because of their potential thermogenic properties, ingredients such as capsaicin (found in chilli peppers), synephrine (found in bitter orange), and yohimbine are frequently added to fat burners. These chemicals can raise body temperature and metabolic rate, resulting in greater calorie burning.

Appetite Suppressants

Some fat burners contain substances such as glucomannan or 5-HTP, which are thought to boost feelings of fullness and reduce hunger, assisting with calorie control.

If you’re considering incorporating a fat burner into your weight loss regimen, PhenQ could be a viable option. This supplement is designed to target various aspects of weight loss by harnessing the power of its ingredients.

The Role of Fat Burners in Weight Loss

It’s vital to remember that fat burners aren’t miracle pills and can’t replace a nutritious diet and regular exercise. While they may have certain advantages, they are not a stand-alone weight-loss treatment. 

Fat burners can potentially help you lose weight in the following ways:

  • Enhanced Metabolism: Caffeine and thermogenic substances, for example, may improve metabolic rate and energy expenditure, resulting in higher calorie burning.
  • Control of Appetite: Appetite suppressants are used in sure fat burners to lower food cravings and support portion control, which can be suitable for calorie restriction.
  • Increased Energy And Concentration: Caffeine’s stimulant characteristics can boost energy, potentially enhancing exercise performance and motivation during exercises.

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Are Fat Burners Really Effective?

While specific chemicals in fat burners have shown promise in scientific research, assessing the total effectiveness of these supplements is vital. Several studies on the effects of fat burners on weight loss and body composition have been undertaken.

A meta-analysis of randomised controlled studies indicated that fat burners containing caffeine or green tea extract resulted in modest weight and fat percentage reductions. It’s worth noting, however, that these effects were amplified when combined with calorie restriction and exercise.

Real-life experiences can provide anecdotal evidence of fat burner effectiveness. Many people report excellent results when they use fat burners as part of a comprehensive weight loss approach. They frequently note greater energy levels, improved focus, and enhanced fat reduction than their efforts without these supplements.

What Are Its Potential Risks and Side Effects?

Stimulant-Related Side Effects

Caffeine, green tea extract, and synephrine are all stimulants in many fat burners. While stimulants can boost metabolism and energy levels, they can also bring adverse effects like increased heart rate, high blood pressure, nervousness, sleeplessness, and digestive problems. Individuals with pre-existing heart issues, high blood pressure, or stimulant sensitivity should exercise caution or avoid stimulant-based fat burners entirely.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Some fat burners may contain substances that can induce diarrhoea, constipation, or stomach pain. This depends on the individual and the precise chemicals in the supplement.

Allergic Reactions

Certain fat burner chemicals, such as herbal extracts or additions, can cause adverse responses in some people. Before utilising fat burners, it is critical to thoroughly read labels and be aware of any known allergies or sensitivities.

Interactions with Medications

Fat burners may interact with medications for cardiovascular disease, psychological issues, or hormonal imbalances. Before utilising fat burners, it is critical to contact a healthcare practitioner, especially if you are taking any drugs or have underlying health concerns.

Quality and Regulation

Because the nutritional supplement market is unregulated, some fat burners may contain inefficient or hazardous substances. It is critical to select renowned brands subjected to third-party testing for quality, purity, and correct labelling.

Minimising Risks and Maximising Safety

Consider the following tips to protect your safety when using fat burners:

Seek The Advice Of A Healthcare Professional

Consult a healthcare practitioner or a licensed nutritionist before beginning any fat burner plan. They can evaluate your health status and medications and make personalised suggestions based on your requirements.

Read The Labels And Follow The Directions

Read and comprehend the labelling of fat burners. Follow the dosing directions and do not exceed the recommended intake. Stick to reliable brands that include detailed directions and ingredient lists.

Keep An Eye On Your Body’s Reaction

Keep track of how your body responds to the fat burner. If you notice any negative reactions or pain, you should stop using it and see a doctor.

Think About Natural Alternatives

Consider natural weight loss alternatives if you are concerned about fat burners’ hazards and side effects. This involves eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, controlling stress, and getting enough sleep.


Fat burners, which promise faster metabolism and fat burning, might be an enticing addition to a weight loss routine. However, approaching them with a balanced viewpoint and realistic expectations is critical. Fat burners should be regarded as supplements rather than replacements for a healthy lifestyle that includes a well-balanced diet and regular physical activity. 

Furthermore, integrating fat burners into your weight reduction journey is entirely personal. Prioritising your well-being and making decisions consistent with your long-term health objectives is critical. You can optimise your weight reduction efforts toward increased health and vitality by combining a reasonable approach to eating, regular physical activity, and informed supplementation.

Successful weight loss relies on sustainable habits and a comprehensive approach encompassing nutrition, physical activity, and overall well-being. Fat burners can be a helpful addition to your weight loss journey, but they are just one piece of the puzzle. Embrace a holistic approach, set realistic goals, and focus on long-term health and well-being.

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Does Drinking Coffee Effectively Help You To Lose Weight?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your morning coffee could contribute to your weight-loss journey? That might seem too good to be true, but some believe drinking coffee can help you lose weight. But is that true? Can drinking coffee effectively help to lose weight?

Yes, drinking coffee on a regular basis can help you lose weight. A study conducted in 2012 found that coffee can induce thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is a bodily process that helps your body lose weight by generating heat. Furthermore, it increases your metabolic rate, which doesn’t let your body store fat.

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That seems a bit exciting, doesn’t it? Allow me to elaborate.

How Does Drinking Coffee Effectively Help To Lose Weight?

I’m sure you have already heard, “Caffeine is bad” or “Avoid caffeine; it does this and that to your body.” etc etc. All those might or might not be true. But caffeine does have some health benefits, especially in the weight-loss sector.

Here are six ways coffee can help you lose weight.

1 – Thermogenesis

Thermogenesis is a process where the body can burn fat by raising its internal temperature. Caffeine converts the chemical energy in your body and produces enough heat. Using that heat, the body burns excess fat and calories.

Caffeine is considered a high-performing thermogenic, which is why the best weight-loss supplements use it as an ingredient.

2 – Faster Metabolism

Another way drinking coffee helps you lose weight is by increasing your metabolism. Experts say caffeine can boost your metabolism rate up to 11%.

If you didn’t already know, metabolism is the process of converting calories into energy. A faster metabolism rate means your body will burn calories faster and will eventually burn away the excess fat stored in your body.

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3 – Breaks Down Fats

Besides inducing natural processes that burn fat, caffeine itself can break down fat. Coffee influences your body chemistry in two ways. Both of these processes end up burning extra fat for you.

Caffeine increases the production of the enzyme lipase, which aids in the breakdown of fat during digestion. In addition to that, coffee raises the level of adrenaline in our blood, which aids in the breakdown of lipids. As a result, fats are broken down.

4 – Antioxidants

Coffee is said to contain antioxidants, which protect your cells from a harmful component named “free radicals.”

Free radicals are mainly responsible for cellular tissue damage, but additionally, they are the reason behind increased appetite and obesity. The antioxidants found in caffeine will fight and neutralize the free radicals.

5 – Decreases Appetite

Coffee’s chlorogenic acids reduce appetite, causing you to feel less hungry. This is fairly perfect for anyone seeking to reduce their food and calorie intake. Although chlorogenic acid is most abundantly found in raw (green) coffee beans, it is also found in roasted coffee. More chlorogenic acid is retained in coffee with a lighter roast character.

6 – Low-calorie

Besides all these benefits, coffee itself is a low-calorie drink, minus the cream and sugar. That means coffee solves your problem of finding a low-calorie drink of choice. Because of this, coffee is also a great pre-workout drink.

Is Coffee a Good Pre-Workout Drink?

Which Type Of Coffee Is Best For Weight Loss?

We all know that there are different types of coffee and different ways of making it. But what coffee is best for weight loss?

Black coffee is the best coffee to drink if you are looking to lose some weight. Green coffee would be a close second. If you have to add milk, a small amount of dairy or plant-based milk would be fine. But make sure to keep your sugar intake in check.

For your benefit, there are specifically manufactured coffees that promote weight loss. That kind of coffee could really lend you a hand fighting.

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How Much Coffee Should You Drink For Weight Loss?

The coffee diet suggests drinking at least three cups (720 ml) of coffee per day. For a noticeable change, you should also limit your calorie intake. This diet may result in short-term weight loss, but it’s not healthy long-term.

So, besides drinking coffee on a regular basis, what you can do is eat a healthy diet and do some light exercises.

Also, there are some side effects of caffeine that put a heavy burden on your body. Sleep deprivation and tooth erosion are two of the many side effects.

So, a great option would be using Prodentim, an oral health supplement that will protect your teeth from erosion.

If you are not a big fan of coffee or do not want to drink a huge amount of coffee, you can try weight-loss supplements that are really good. These supplements are made from all-natural substances with no side effects and are completely safe and healthy.

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Can coffee reduce belly fat?

Yes, drinking coffee can reduce your belly fat. Caffeine has been found to benefit weight management by increasing metabolism and decreasing feelings of hunger. That makes coffee an effective belly fat-reducing drink.

How do you know you are burning fat?

When you are burning excess fat, you’ll notice that you are not feeling as hungry as before. Your mental and physical states will improve. Physical activities will interest you, and they should feel easier to do than before.

Does hunger mean you’re burning fat?

No, being hungry doesn’t necessarily mean you are burning fat. But you might feel hungrier when you are losing weight. On the contrary, a reduced appetite could indicate that your body is working on losing fat.

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After all the discussion, you can safely say that drinking coffee can effectively help you lose weight. Coffee can speed up your metabolism, induce thermogenesis, and increase the production of fat-burning enzymes. All of these can lead to losing weight.

But only drinking coffee is not a healthy option, so you must consider and combine different procedures for losing weight.

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Is Coffee a Good Pre-Workout Drink?

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5 Effective Natural Ways To Boost Your Slow Metabolism

Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories to convert them into energy. Your metabolism rate affects your health because it’s your body’s method of manufacturing energy and also impacts how quickly you lose or gain weight. Once it slows down, your body will undergo changes that can negatively affect your quality of living.

Various factors influence the metabolism rate, such as genetics, age, sex, muscle mass, and activity levels. A slow metabolism can cause excessive weight gain, which increases your risk of body weight-related conditions. In addition, it exposes you to risks of diabetes and other life-changing medical conditions.

It’s important to note that you can’t totally control your metabolism since genetics is a factor that affects it. However, you can still do things to manage it to help yourself be healthy. With that in mind, here are 5 effective and natural ways to boost your slow metabolism.

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1 – Increase your protein intake

Protein is a helpful nutrient for boosting your metabolism rate. It does so through a process called thermogenesis, in which your body uses about 10% of its calorie intake for digestion. Protein also takes longer to burn than fat, which makes your body use more energy to absorb its nutrients.

An easy and appealing way of increasing your regular protein intake is adding whey protein powder to your smoothies. According to a study, whey had greater fat oxidation and thermal effect. Fat oxidation is the process of breaking down fatty acids, while the thermal effect provides the body with extra energy for burning calories.

2 – Eat smaller meals throughout the day

It may sound counterintuitive, but adding smaller meals to your diet can help fasten your metabolism. A study expounds how eating multiple small meals spread throughout the day can keep your metabolism active. Hence, even a reputable Kansas City weight loss facility won’t stop you from doing it, just as long as you continue to eat healthily.

You can integrate the first point in this one by eating and drinking protein in your small meals. For example, you can try six small meals with a total of 300 calories each. Furthermore, smaller meals throughout the day can help maintain your sugar levels to prevent an insulin spike that may lead to weight gain.

3 – Drink coffee

Except for having a caffeine allergy, you should drink coffee. Chalk this up as another benefit people can gain from consuming caffeine. However, to increase your metabolism rate, the coffee you drink must fit the necessary health standards.

Your coffee must have reduced amounts of syrup and cream, or it shouldn’t have either. Coffee is a great source of energy and can improve energy levels during exercise. It helps you work harder and longer, which enhances your body’s fat-burning capability.

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4 – Sleep in lower temperatures

Sleeping in a cool room won’t only help you rest better, but it also improves your metabolism. Sleeping at a low temperature increases the percentage of brown fat in your body. Brown fat is a special type of body activated when you get cold and also has more mitochondria than white fat.

Mitochondria help in burning calories and deliver the energy your body gets from fat to your cells. Brown fat contains more mitochondria, which makes your metabolism active even while you’re sleeping. Sleeping in light clothing and reducing your bedroom temperature can double the amount of brown fat in about four weeks.

5 – Build more muscle

Just by increasing your muscle mass you can effectively increase your metabolism. Muscle is vascular (has veins) and requires energy to maintain, unlike body fat. The more muscle you have, the more energy it requires to maintain. So, by simply building more muscle, you can effectively increase your metabolism!

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Concluding thoughts on Metabolism

Improving your metabolism doesn’t take a lot of work. Instead, it takes adjusting your lifestyle accordingly to prevent quickly gaining excessive body weight. Watching what you eat and adding healthier options to your diet are some of the things you can do.

You don’t have to adopt all of these ways at once, only the ones you’re comfortable with. Start easy and slowly, and then gradually include other ways, and you’ll feel the improvements in a matter of time.

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Author’s Bio:

Though not a medical professional, Hodge Racter knows a lot about medical topics, including testosterone replacement therapy (having undergone the procedure himself). Today, he remains spry and energetic despite his age, and on his free days, he spends time with his wife and two dogs.

SHREDDED | How To Get Lean and Cut

If you workout, then we know you want to get SHREDDED; aka Lean, Cut, Aesthetic, Defined and Muscular. I mean, who doesn’t want to have 6-pack abs to show off? The thing is, as with everything in life, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. This article will go over the best way of how to get lean while maintaining your hard-earned muscle mass. So, then you can look like Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or the new Bodybuilding Mr. Olympia sooner than you think!

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Read Part 1: JACKED Muscle Plan – How To Get Bigger! >>

First, this article is a continuation of our previous article, JACKED – How to get Big and Strong. In that article, we discuss your basal metabolic rate, activities for muscular growth and nutritional concepts to manipulate your weight. If you have not done so already, I recommend you go back to that article first to get a base for what we discuss here. Then you will have a basic understanding of how to get bigger and build muscle mass, properly.

This article will teach you how to maintain your muscle mass while losing body fat. So then you will look lean and shredded like a pro bodybuilder!

What does it mean to be SHREDDED?

So what do we mean by getting SHREDDED?

What most people want to do when losing weight or getting leaner is lose body fat while maintaining, or even increasing, muscle mass. This helps to give an aesthetic look that shows off the muscle you have already built. But, oftentimes people have a non-optimal way they go about losing body fat that also decreases their muscle mass.

So, before getting into the details of how to get lean, let’s review a little…

Metabolism Basics

“To lose weight you simply must eat fewer calories than you use.”

First, to lose weight you simply must eat fewer calories than you expend through your basal metabolic rate and daily activity, or exercise.

Your basal metabolic rate is the number of calories you expend without activity, or at rest. This rate can be raised by increasing your muscle mass; as muscle is calorie expensive tissue compared to body fat. That means your body has to work to maintain your muscle mass where fat tissue just sits around. This puts stress on your body to keep your muscles working.

So, if you want to increase or maintain muscle mass while losing weight, you must give it a reason to stay. You can do this by placing stress on the muscles, forcing them to be maintained.

Then, if you want to gain weight, you just have to eat more calories than you use daily. However, if you don’t stimulate muscle growth, then the extra calories will be stored as body fat.

This is the basis for using muscle mass to your advantage when manipulating your body weight. 

Designed for Survival

Our bodies are designed very efficiently and only have one goal in mind…survival. So, our body systems work in unison for us to be able to survive out in the wild on our own.

With this in mind, we were not designed to have a plentiful supply of food throughout the day. We can see this through our ability to absorb almost all of the nutrients we consume and our capacity to store body fat.

Our bodies were designed to be ready for fasting, or starved states. So everything we consume is absorbed and what we do not use is stored.

Body Fat Is Necessary

Knowing this, we can see that storing excess calories as body fat is a necessary adaptation for survival. However, that does not always fit into the current aesthetic goals of most people today.

Many people of today want to lose body fat but maintain muscle so that they can look good, or SHREDDED. The problem is our body does not care how we look. It just wants to survive. And, unless properly stimulated, body fat is more valuable to survival than muscle.

This is because muscle is energy costing and vascular, or has blood vessels. These characteristics of muscle make it difficult to maintain compared to body fat; which is stored energy that can be used for survival when needed.

This poses a problem for those trying to maintain their muscle while losing weight. But there is a solution…exercise!

How To Lose Weight

Overall, losing bodyweight is an easy concept to understand. It is just the opposite of gaining size. You just have to eat fewer calories than you expend daily.

This is easier said than done because many people do not like to feel hungry.

Still, what do people do to lose weight? They eat less and start to exercise more by doing a ton of “cardio”. This can work, but it is not the best way for your health or long term success.

If you exercise more, you must eat more, or be in caloric balance, to adapt to the new workload. Otherwise, you will not have enough energy to workout as hard as you should. Then you will lose muscle mass due to lack of nutrients.

Also, “cardio” is not the best way to lose weight.

Weight Training vs. Cardio

“Cardio burns calories today, muscle burns calories forever.”

Doing cardio is great for burning calories but it does not have long-lasting effects extending beyond 24-48 hours after training.

Think of this…cardio burns calories today, muscle burns calories forever. What that means is that when you do cardio you burn calories during and shortly after. However, the effects will wear off within 24-48 hours, depending on the intensity. Then you will have to do another session to get the same results.

When building muscle, though, the new muscle burns calories during your training session and every day thereafter as long as you maintain it.

Of course, resistance training and cardiovascular training should be used together to present the greatest results.

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Train With Intensity

Just remember that whatever you do, it must be intense.

Resistance training must be intense enough to stimulate the muscle to grow or maintain itself. And your cardio should be done as high-intensity intervals. That form of cardio helps to maintain muscle mass while burning the most fat.

That form of cardio helps to maintain muscle mass while burning the most fat. For example, you could perform a HIIT rowing machine workout or sprints where you perform 10 rounds of 30-seconds flat out rowing, followed by 60-seconds of rest.

Overall, it is better to use muscle stimulating training that will cause growth in combination with some intense cardio training, such as sprint intervals, to obtain the greatest overall calorie deficit.

Training vs. Dieting

“Weight loss is NOT 10% training and 90% diet!”

How many times have you heard people say something like, “Weight loss is 10% training and 90% diet.”?

I’m here to tell you that is not true. Not even close! How can it be? Diet has limits much smaller than that of exercise. Plus, you do not get the same adaptations through diet as you do for exercise.

Diet affects your energy balance, but exercise affects everything.

Exercise influences your energy balance, muscular growth, hormonal changes, cardiovascular system, digestive system, central nervous system and so much more!

Still, don’t believe it?

Let’s think of it like this…an elite athlete is going to look like an elite athlete even on a poor diet. However, a sedentary person will not get a 6-pack no matter their diet.

Sedentary means “without exercise”. And remember, Walking is NOT Exercise!

Sedentary vs. Active

“When it comes down to it, exercise is what makes people look lean and SHREDDED.”

Sedentary individuals can be lean but they cannot have a strong muscular look without some form of exercise to create muscular growth. This is because diet does not influence your body as much as exercise and activity do.

Yet, it almost doesn’t matter what an endurance athlete eats because their energy expenditure is so high that even if they only eat what we consider to be “unhealthy”, they will still have low body fat. Assuming that their caloric intake to energy expenditure is balanced.

However, a sedentary individual that is in caloric and energy balance, meaning they eat the same amount of calories they expend through their basal metabolic rate and any activity, will be much more likely to lose muscle and gain body fat even on a healthy diet.

Diet only plays a role in energy balance and performance but has minimal influence on your ability to lose body fat alone.

Exercise, however, plays a major role in stimulating muscle and reducing body fat. So, when it comes down to it, exercise is what makes people look lean and SHREDDED.

Stimulate Your Muscles

Again, losing weight is as simple as eating fewer calories than you use to survive on or use for activity. This is true, but when losing overall weight on a caloric deficit you will likely lose muscle faster than you lose fat unless you give it proper stimulus.

If you stimulate your muscles for growth or at least put enough stress on them to be maintained, then you will lose less muscle and more body fat.

Again, your body just wants to survive. So if you put stress on your muscles to where they need to adapt by growing you will maintain your muscle mass while using your body fat to balance your caloric deficit.

This is beneficial in two ways: by allowing you to maintain your muscle mass and burning more body fat than you would have without the exercise.

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Cut Back Calories

Now in order for this to work the best, and allow for the least muscle loss, you must make only small, incremental changes over a long period of time.

After you have built yourself up enough by eating enough to maintain your current activity load, then you can start cutting back calories to lose body fat.

You should start by being in a 200-500 calorie deficit while training in order to start losing weight. Then, only drop another 200-500 calories after it has stopped working. I recommend you start with 200 calorie change, then adjust as needed.

This should occur while doing intense exercises such as strength training, sports training or intense cardiovascular exercise, like sprints.

Whatever you choose, the exercise MUST be intense. Without enough intensity and volume, as discussed in the previous article, your muscle will not have enough of a reason to be maintained.

Also, you must continuously increase your total workload, so your body to be forced into muscular adaptation or maintenance.

With a caloric deficit and intense training, you can force your body to survive in a low body fat state, making you look lean and SHREDDED!

Eat More and Exercise More

“Eat more, exercise more, and then start to drop weight.”

For most people trying to lose weight, it is best to simply start increasing their workload through exercise. Start small and progressively increase over time for the best results.

As you increase your activity, you should actually eat more before trying to lose weight. This allows your body to adapt to the stresses of exercise while increasing your basal metabolic rate, before decreasing body fat. Basically, you need more calories to meet the energy needs of your new activity level.

Then, by eating more you will increase your muscle mass and basal metabolic rate so you can eat more calories than before. This allows you to have more room for free eating, or cheat meals. Then you can stay satisfied with little effect on your total caloric balance.

Which would you rather be?

This can be best viewed by thinking of two situations.

Situation #1: An individual trying to lose weight eats 2,000 calories daily on average. Then they cut out 500 calories per day to be in a deficit. After they plateau, they then cut out another 500 calories to lose more weight. They are now down to 1,000 calories per day which greatly limits the amount of food they can have to reach their nutrient needs and poses health risks.

Situation #2: An individual exercises and eats more calories until they reach a 3,000 calorie daily balance. They then have a much greater amount of calories they can cut down on to lose weight while still getting in enough food to be satisfied and healthy. Not to mention, they also gained more size and strength in the process. So, when they cut back calories they have more room for adjustments. Plus more drops they can do. And that is how the IFBB pro Bodybuilders do it, so it obviously works!

So the best approach is, eat more and exercise more, first. Then you can start to decrease your caloric intake by 200-500 calories while maintaining the same workload.

This allows you to eat more than you would have previously so that you can feel more satiated, while still allowing you to lose weight.

Eat more, exercise more, and then start to drop weight.

Final Notes on How To Get Lean

So, the next time you start on your goal to look lean and SHREDDED or hear of someone trying to lose bodyweight, you have an idea of what it takes.

I recommend anyone trying to get leaner does so with a partner. You can make each other accountable and help each other during the times when it gets hard. Just remember, consistency is the key.

Exercise intensely while consuming appropriate amounts of calories before starting to slowly decrease calories over time. As you reach your goals, keep training hard but then you may begin to eat more so that you are in caloric balance with your activity level, or excess to build muscle.

I wish you the best of luck and remember to keep getting stronger!

Read Part 1: JACKED Muscle Plan – How To Get Bigger! >>

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Fat Burning and Muscle Building Workout Program! >>

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