Tag: Wellness

Empowering Your Recovery | Fitness Management After Cancer

Cancer, a formidable adversary to human health, confronts millions worldwide with its physical, emotional, and psychological challenges. However, in the journey of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from cancer, fitness management serves as a beacon of hope. Physical activity’s profound impact on cancer recovery is now recognized as integral to holistic healing, not merely supplementary. It plays a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of recovery.

In this article, we explore post-cancer fitness, revealing its transformative power in empowering individuals to regain health, vitality, and agency.

Benefits of Exercise After Cancer

According to Cancer.Net, as of 2022, approximately 18 million individuals were living with a history of cancer in the United States. Remarkably, about 67% of cancer survivors have surpassed the five-year mark post-diagnosis, with 18% surviving for two decades or more. Also, a significant portion, accounting for 64%, of survivors are aged 65 or older.

Regular exercise post-cancer treatment yields numerous physical, emotional, and psychological advantages. It mitigates the adverse effects of treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, which commonly induce fatigue, muscle weakness, and diminished endurance. Through consistent physical activity, individuals combat these challenges, enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life.

Exercise not only reduces the risk of cancer recurrence and enhances survival rates in specific cancer types but also bolsters mental well-being. Also, it alleviates anxiety, depression, and stress post-cancer, fostering a positive outlook and enhancing overall resilience and quality of life. It serves as a crucial component of holistic recovery, promoting well-being beyond physical health.

Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors

Navigating the world of exercise post-cancer requires a nuanced approach tailored to individual needs and circumstances. While the benefits of physical activity are well-established, survivors need to adhere to specific guidelines to ensure safe and effective participation. A study by the National Institute of Health highlights the American College of Sports Medicine’s recommendation for cancer patients. They suggest 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity weekly.

Also, survivors should prioritize activities that enhance flexibility, balance, and coordination to mitigate the risk of falls and injuries. It’s crucial to start slowly, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of exercise under the guidance of healthcare professionals or certified fitness trainers. By adhering to these guidelines, cancer survivors can harness the transformative power of physical activity to optimize their recovery and overall well-being.

Tailoring Exercise Routines to Individual Needs

Tailoring exercise routines to individual needs and abilities is crucial, acknowledging the diverse experiences and challenges encountered by cancer survivors. Cancer type, treatments, physical constraints, and preferences are vital considerations in crafting personalized fitness regimens. Consulting oncologists, physical therapists, and certified exercise specialists offer valuable guidance for crafting a safe exercise regimen.

MDPI’s study reveals that personalized exercise plans enhance motor competence. Understanding the purpose behind each task fulfills the need for autonomy. It can lead to significant improvements in physical function, fatigue, and quality of life among cancer survivors.

Flexibility and adaptability are crucial when customizing exercise routines for cancer survivors. This ensures the accommodation of energy levels, treatment side effects, and recovery progress. Prioritizing individualized approaches optimizes the benefits of physical activity while reducing the risk of injury or overexertion.

Incorporating Home Care Nurse Check-ups

In the domain of post-cancer recovery, incorporating regular home care nurse check-ups can provide invaluable support and guidance to survivors. These check-ups offer a holistic approach to monitoring physical and emotional well-being, addressing concerns, and adjusting treatment plans as needed. Home care nurses, with specialized training, assess vital signs, ensure medication adherence, and offer wound care or symptom management at home.

Also, in today’s digital age, accessing healthcare resources has become more convenient than ever. For those considering a career in nursing to provide this crucial support, online accelerated nursing programs offer a flexible and accessible pathway. The ABSN programs online allow aspiring nurses to study remotely, catering to varied schedules and preparing them for diverse healthcare roles. They equip students to provide high-quality care, including home care for cancer survivors.

According to the Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, their course provides an introduction to nursing and modern healthcare. It covers essential aspects such as patient-centered care, teamwork, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, safety, and informatics. Students gain insights into nursing as a profession and develop competencies crucial for their future careers.

Integrating home care nurse check-ups enhances post-cancer recovery support for survivors. This comprehensive approach fosters empowerment and well-being by addressing individual needs.

Sample Fitness Routines for Cancer Survivors

Here are some sample exercise routines to get you started, but remember, these are just a starting point. It’s important to tailor your program to your specific needs and consult with your doctor before beginning any new exercise routine.


The beginner routine emphasizes low-impact cardio and light strength training for cancer survivors. The routine comprises brisk walking with arm swings on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, complemented by gentle yoga or tai chi on Tuesday and Thursday. Weekends are designated for rest or light activities such as gardening.


The intermediate routine emphasizes moderate-intensity cardio and strength training for cancer survivors. This includes brisk walking or swimming for 45 minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday, focus on strength training exercises targeting major muscle groups using body weight or light weights. Weekends offer opportunities for light activities such as hiking or biking.


The advanced routine emphasizes high-intensity cardio and strength training for cancer survivors. It includes 30 minutes of HIIT or jogging on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and strength training with moderate weights on Tuesday and Thursday. Weekends feature more strenuous activities such as tennis or dancing to further challenge and engage the body.

Frequently Asked Question

How soon after cancer treatment can I start exercising?

The best time to start exercising after cancer treatment depends on your situation and the type of treatment you receive. However, resume regular daily activities promptly following diagnosis and treatment. It’s always best to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Are there any specific exercises I should avoid as a cancer survivor?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer on exercises to avoid. It depends on your specific cancer treatment and any lingering side effects. For example, those experiencing bone loss from treatment should inquire about avoiding exercises that stress the neck and increase fall risk. Consulting a doctor or physical therapist is best to create a safe exercise plan.

Is it necessary to consult with a healthcare provider before starting an exercise routine?

While exercise is generally recommended, consulting a healthcare provider before starting a new routine is advisable, especially after a cancer diagnosis. They can assess your individual needs and limitations to ensure a safe and effective program that complements your recovery journey.

Empowering Your Journey to Wellness

Recovery after cancer necessitates resilience, determination, and a multifaceted approach to healing. Integrating fitness management into post-cancer care empowers survivors to regain control over their health and well-being. Physical activity becomes a transformative tool in navigating the path to wellness.

As we wrap up our discussion on post-cancer fitness management, it’s crucial to recognize that recovery is an ongoing journey. By embracing movement, resilience, and self-care principles, survivors can find renewed vitality and hope. Let’s support each other in embracing life after cancer with courage, optimism, and determination.

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Take Back Control Of Your Wellness – Here’s How To Do It

Wellness refers to having control over every aspect of your life. It is not about having just one aspect right, while staying stressed about other aspects. When you strive for wellness, it begins and ends with you!

Therefore, to better understand that you must ensure you do not neglect yourself.  You must manage stress, anxiety, and depression. Balance, continuous improvement, and acceptance are the keys to true well-being.

So to improve your self-management skills, the following suggestion will come in handy.

Consume A Healthy Diet

To ensure your body gets enough nutrients, you must consume a healthy and balanced diet. How healthy your internal systems are is determined by what you eat. Additionally, it aids in identifying your emotional well-being and any mental diseases, like depression.

For example, you might eat a lot or just not eat enough if you have mental stress. Both are wrong. Your body will suffer major health issues if it lacks key nutrients. You might also experience emotional distress and anxiety. So, make sure you should get enough fruits, vegetables, and nuts regularly.

Get In A Routine Of Physical Activity

Your body’s blood flow improves when you stay physically active and workout every day. You feel more energized, awake, and cognitively alert as a result of the increased blood flow and oxygenation.

So why would you not do anything which has so many benefits? 

As you start exercising, there might be a thought of experiencing pain. To keep yourself going, you must have knee pads for work. Such proactive measures will allow you to have comfort and prevent further stress.

You don’t need to join an expensive gym. Instead, you may do it on your own in your house. In the beginning, if exercise gives you discomfort, you can start with a walk or jogging in the morning. Then, as your body gets used to this routine, you should start challenging yourself with tough exercises. The key is to establish it as a daily routine. 

Ensure Your Get Enough Sleep

It could seem like the most obvious advice, but you should not take it lightly as most people don’t adhere to the fundamental steps for their general health and wellness. 

You must understand that the human body requires adequate sleep and rest to recover and refuel. For daily physical and mental activities, this healing is crucial.

Furthermore, when you get into a workout regimen, you might feel fatigued, and your body will require more sleep than usual.

There could be many distractions, as you might want to watch a movie at night or social media attracts you. But all these things should not disturb your sleeping hours.

Discover and Engage In New Hobbies

Your hobbies can keep you occupied and interested as they play a vital role in wellness. You make positive efforts to enhance your emotional well-being when you are interested in and like performing certain things.

It also relieves your brain of the stress of daily life and work. Developing new interests is a terrific way to improve mental and emotional health.

Therefore, you must spend a lot of time doing what you like. It will require less effort, and you may perform such activities easily and save a lot of time.

Quit Unhealthy Activities

Where it is important to understand what you should do, it is essential to apprehend what you should not do. For example, if you get into a routine of exercising but don’t quit smoking and drinking alcohol, then what’s the point of doing all that physical activity?   

No matter how much money you spend on your health or how hard you try, your efforts will be in vain if you continue unhealthy habits. Striving for wellness is a complete package. It is about ensuring you change your lifestyle, not just a habit. 

So let go of all that you realize is bad for your mental and physical health.

Accompany Yourself With Like-minded People

You must surround yourself with like-minded people. For instance, you have a group of friends who ask you to go for a drink. How many times would you refuse them? You might refuse 2-3 times, but eventually, you will go with them and could start a bad habit if done too often.

On the other hand, if you find a partner in jogging, they can still take you along even if you act lazy for a day.

Such small things are significant when you analyze your activities for 6 months. 


Attaining wellness is a great idea. But you must know that it will not happen in a day. Try to train your mind to do things right and to keep doing them. Set small goals, as achieving goals will keep you going for longer.

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Post image by marymarkevich on Freepik.

3 Easy Ways To Strengthen Your Body

There are many ways to strengthen your body. This can be achieved through regular visits to the gym, performing as a professional athlete or through unintentional avenues such as walking often or gardening.

Keeping our body healthy and strong has a range of benefits such as being able to undertake heavy tasks more easily, perform better at school or work and most importantly feel better within our skin. 

Goals centred around strength training can quickly consume your every movement if you overthink it. Strengthening your body can be easy and fun but only if you let it.

It is vital to understand that taking care of your mental health and being kind to yourself is an important part of the strength building journey. There is no use beating yourself up for missing one day in the gym. 

You don’t gain all your muscle in one day, so you won’t lose it in one day either. You just need to stay dedicated and positive. 

Make Use Of The Stairmaster

Using the stairmaster at the gym is something you can add into your everyday life without causing too much disturbance to your routine. 

And because you essentially have been walking up stairs your entire life, the stairmaster is practically second nature. Which means it is a really easy machine to get the hang of and I guess you could say master.

The first week or so that you add the stairmaster into your routine, you might find yourself out of breath with aching calves but it will be worth it when you see the definition building on your legs. 

You will also feel a great deal of satisfaction and accomplishment when you notice your improvement in your daily life such as not getting out of breath walking up the stairs at work. 

Using the stairmaster can help you burn anywhere from 70 to 100 calories in just 10 minutes making it a really good addition to your routine as it helps you burn a huge amount of calories in a short time. This is good if you are looking to lose fat and grow your muscles for a more chiselled appearance.

The stairmaster works your legs, abs, back and calves. It can also improve your flexibility between joints in your hips and knees.

Other benefits include relieving stress and giving you the opportunity to focus on your music, podcast or tv show which can be hard to do during other aspects of your workout such as lifting weights.

Use Resistance Bands With Your Workout

If you are a beginner in the fitness world, you may choose to engage in general exercise which helps you strengthen your core and slowly build up your muscles.  As you begin to feel more confident and immersed in the fitness world, you may become more interested in targeting specific areas of your body. 

Using resistance bands is an easy way to upgrade your routine to strengthen targeted areas in your body at a faster rate. You can find resistance bands within gym vending machines, sports shops or on Amazon. Prices typically range anywhere between £1 to £15 ($1-$20). 

The brand and price point of resistance bands is not relevant. Instead you should aim to find something that is within your budget and has a few good reviews. 

One thing that is worth keeping in mind is that resistance bands come in varying levels of resistance. It may be a good idea to get two or three bands to decide what intensity level you like working out with. 

You can also ask the personal trainers in the gym if they have any suggestions for you or if they can give you a test session with resistance bands.

The usage of resistance bands is versatile, but the general idea is that they can be used during exercises to create a resistance force which makes your body exert more energy to complete the exercise. This is a form of strength training without the usage of weights.

Resistance bands are really handy during exercises such as push ups. You will need to get into a push up position and place each end of the band in each hand, with the bulk of the band resting on your upper back. As you begin to push up, the band will stretch and create a resistance which your body will have to work harder to push against in order to complete a total push up.

You can also use resistance bands for lunges, squats, bicep curls, chest press and many more. It is a great way to increase and test your strength. 

Resistance bands are also a good option to keep in your gym bag if your gym has limited weights which always seem to be busy with other people. Resistance bands give you the opportunity to strength train even when you cannot get access to the weights at the gym.

Open Water Swimming

Open water swimming is a fun activity that exercises your entire body. This is a perfect fit for those who live close to any lakes, oceans and reservoirs. If you don’t live close by to any open water, you can opt for an indoor swimming pool.

Swimming strengthens your arms, legs, back, shoulders, chest and entire core which makes it a great alternative or partner in crime to the gym. 

Swimming in open water compared to an indoor pool will exercise the exact same muscles. However due to differences in water pressure, temperature and behaviour (waves), you might find that open water swimming provides a greater workout as it requires substantial resistance and strength.

You must ensure that you know how to safely swim in open water before choosing it over an indoor swimming pool. Open water is not the greatest choice for beginners as there are no lifeguards or shallow ends to help you out.

Most high end gyms also feature indoor swimming pools which you can make use of as part of your membership. Switching between your gym routine and indoor swimming is a good way to keep yourself feeling energized and motivated.

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3 Activities That Will Significantly Improve Your Health

Having good health is the root of any personal success and happiness in life. This is why it is vital that we take good care of ourselves in order to be at our best.

Maintaining good health not only helps us avoid things such as strokes and heart attacks but it can also allow us to perform better at work and within our social lives. When your body is functioning properly, you are more likely to feel productive, happy and focussed.

While everyone knows that it is important to keep on top of our health, we can still find ourselves neglecting it. This happens if you have a busy work life, children to take care of or illnesses that limit productivity such as anxiety and depression. 

Often when we think about improving our health, we think of unrealistic routines at the gym and our eating habits. The truth is, the gym is a great tool for improving our health and it does not need to be hard.

There are plenty of ways to strengthen your body in the gym without feeling overworked.

Below we explore three of the most effective activities that can help improve your health over time. All three are affordable and easy to integrate into busy routines.

Morning Run

Going for a run in the morning can provide great benefits to your health, strength and endurance. You can run outside, or if the weather or conditions around you are not suitable, you can use a treadmill at home or the gym. There are typically a multitude of treadmills in the gym which means you will not need to fight for them like you might for weights.

It is a really good exercise to add into your daily routine as it can reduce your risk of certain diseases and joint pains whilst also relieving you of any stress or anxiety. 

When you become consistent with your morning runs, you will find that your endurance will build up, allowing you to run faster and get further and ultimately burn more calories. This not only strengthens your body but can also allow you to lose weight which will significantly improve your health, if you are overweight.

While your endurance builds, so will your muscles. Specifically your glutes, quads and hamstrings. If you are looking to get stronger and more defined legs and thighs, then morning runs could be an easy place to start. 

To have efficient results within your muscle definition, we suggest eating enough protein and carbohydrates before and after visiting the gym. 

Carbohydrates will fuel your body before the workout, allowing you to push yourself further while the protein will ensure your muscles allow your muscles to grow and repair themselves.

An important feature on most treadmills is the incline. This mimics the hills you would come across when running outdoors. You can choose this option for a greater workout and faster muscle growth on your legs.

Choosing to run in the morning is a very calculated choice. Morning runs allow you to get your exercise out of the way which means you can relax in the evening.

Other benefits of running in the morning include having more energy compared to the evening. This means you can run faster and burn more calories compared to working out after work when you are exhausted.

Running in the morning can also increase your productivity at work as it is known to have positive effects on your memory, problem solving and decision making.


Swimming is an activity most of us did in our younger years and now we might find ourselves occasionally re-exploring it when on holiday. This makes it easy to think of swimming as a fun activity rather than a form of strength training and a way to improve our cardiovascular health.

The motions used during swimming strokes work to tone the muscles in your back, shoulders, arms, thighs, legs, abdominal and chest. Essentially, swimming is a full body workout. 

Swimming requires you to engage in a repetitive movement of pulling and pushing yourself through dense water. Pulling yourself through water over and over again can act as a lower intensity version of performing pull ups and lifting small weights.

Swimming is a fun activity as opposed to lifting weights in the gym which means it is a great option for improving your health as you may feel more inclined to stick to it.

Other enticing factors of swimming include benefits to your posture, endurance, flexibility and overall mood.

You can choose to swim in a local indoor swimming pool or even try your hand at open water swimming. There are a great number of differences between swimming indoors vs outdoors, but the most important thing to consider is that you know how to safely swim in open water before venturing out there. 

Swimming indoors is a really easy option as most gyms include this within their amenities and you have an added layer of safety compared to outdoor swimming.


Walking is one of the easiest ways to improve our health as it is a low intensity activity, it does not require any fitness knowledge or training and most importantly it is free.

Daily walks will provide you with great benefits to your cardiovascular health while still giving you the feeling of a workout. It is also a great way to end your intense workout days. Using the walk as a way to cool down and lower your heart rate after a strenuous workout.

The running theme within all three activities we have mentioned is that none of them require a great deal of effort, money or dedicated chunks of your time. 

Each activity is flexible in the sense that you can do 5 minutes or 50 minutes and you can do them at whatever pace, and time suits your lifestyle best. This makes the process of improving your health much easier and increases the success rate.

Walking will provide slower results than swimming and running, but it is important to remember that slow and steady indeed wins the race. If you choose to walk at a more brisk pace then you will also improve your endurance and cardiovascular functionality. 

To take this activity to the next level you can add ankle weights into the mix which will further develop your leg muscles and increase the intensity of your strength training.

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Healthy Habits To Add To Your Routine In 2024

2024 brings us all a new year in which we can chase our goals and become a better version of ourselves. The most popular New Year’s resolutions each year revolve around working out, eating healthy, building muscle and losing weight.

These resolutions are often mocked or brushed aside as they are deemed to be unachievable and difficult. The truth is that they are super straightforward and easy to implement. The hard part is sticking to them.

Usually once people have cheated on their resolutions, they use it as an excuse to give up on them. Sticking to your new habits requires you to continuously show up and try your best, regardless of any setbacks. This is the only way you will see results and change your life.

It is definitely easier said than done but in this article we explore some healthy habits that you can bring into 2023 and tips on how to stay disciplined, focused and energized.

Develop A Gym Routine

It seems that everyone has a gym membership on January 1st. So why not put it to good use rather than letting it sit there and rack up charges. A great habit to develop in 2023 is using your membership often and creating a gym routine that you can actually stick to.

Creating a gym routine includes deciding what you want to target (weight loss, core strength, muscle gain), which machines you want to use, how long and often you want the gym sessions to be and the intensity level.

Take the entire process at a steady pace to avoid overworking or overwhelming yourself. It would be beneficial to consult with a personal trainer at your chosen gym in order to learn more about which machines would be the best fit for your goals and experience.

The biggest thing to keep in mind when creating your routine is to ensure it is fun. You can do this by choosing machines that you enjoy or by creating a gym playlist that will get you pumped and excited for the workout. Keeping the process fun will make it much easier for you to stay consistent.

Creating a gym routine means you can choose what time of day you have to workout, how long the workout will be and how intense it will be. This is completely tailored to your needs and abilities which can make it feel much more bearable.

There are many different types of gyms to choose from at varying prices, just choose one that has all the equipment you need and is in close proximity to you. Ensuring the gym is close by will allow you to make fewer excuses about getting yourself there.

Meal Prep

Meal prepping goes hand in hand with attending the gym. It ensures that your body is efficiently fueled each day so you can function at your best. 

Making it a habit to grocery shop and batch cook meals each week allows you the opportunity to spend the rest of the week eating tasty meals without having to exert any additional energy.

Meal prepping does not always include overnight oats or salmon and quinoa. The meals are fully in your control and you do not need to follow what everyone else is doing. 

A meal you typically do not see being meal prepped is tuna pasta bake. From the outside looking in, this meal seems overloaded with cheese and way too many carbs. But it can be made with alternatives such as low carb pasta, protein pasta and protein cheese.

Finding ways to turn your favourite meals into healthy meal prep is more worthwhile than copying meals that you know will sit in your fridge and never get eaten.

You need a balanced diet in order for your body to function correctly, be productive at work and avoid getting sick. Your meal prep should aim to include fruits, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats

Including a range of healthy carbohydrates and proteins in each meal of the day will assist your strength training and help your muscle gain become more defined. Carbohydrates and proteins also fuel your body in preparation for working out. They give you the energy needed to push through a workout.

Meal prepping food that is healthy, yet filling and delicious, will help you avoid falling back on old ways by ordering takeout or bingeing on snacks. Sticking to this habit will also help you save money as batch cooking is much cheaper than eating processed food, ready made meals and ordering takeout.

Participate In An Active Hobby

Building a healthy habit does not have to feel like a chore. There are many ways you can become healthier in a fun way such as participating in an active hobby. 

Hobbies are activities that are done solely for enjoyment. This includes things such as rock climbing, dancing and playing sports. The great thing about active hobbies is that while they keep our brain stimulated and produce endorphins, they also build strength and endurance within our body.

Making it a habit to engage in an active hobby at least once a week can transform your physical and mental health.

There are a selection of active hobbies that are affordable, easy and don’t need a huge deal of committed time towards them. If you are a fan of sports, you might find adding football, rugby or badminton to your weekly routine is fitting and easy for you, or perhaps exploring the insights from the best golf blogs could inspire your passion for the golf game.

Open water swimming is another affordable active hobby that allows you to be in nature and do something fun while exercising your entire body. Before venturing into the water, ensure you know how to safely swim in open water.

Swimming in open water is hugely beneficial to your health as it helps you tone your legs, arms, back and shoulder muscles while also increasing your endurance.

If you find yourself unable to leave the house for various reasons, there are two main active hobbies you can fall back on. The first is to spend dedicated time playing with your kids or your pets. 

Running around, laughing and jumping with kids or pets is a great way to work on your cardiovascular health while having fun. Running on a treadmill can have the same effect on your breathing and health but it is much harder to stick to. 

If you live alone, you can look into starting a home or garden project. Redecorating requires you to lift heavy objects and spend a lot of time actively moving around. 

This can be physically difficult so it is important to take it at your own pace and ensure you have the correct protein intake so your growing muscles can recover efficiently.

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