Tag: Mobility

How To Use A Foam Roller Properly

It takes only a few minutes to learn the proper foam rolling technique to relax your tight tendons and soft-tissues. So, let’s get started now on how to use a foam roller properly to increase joint mobility and decrease muscle pain and stress!

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How Foam Rolling Works

Foam rolling works by:

  • Breaking apart adhesions in the tissue layers (known as self-myofascial release),
  • Moving fluids through soft tissues,
  • and overall assisting with Muscle Recovery.

So, you can use it to aid in the mobility of tight tissues or just as a recovery technique.

Foam rolling has become very popular in recent years, but it has been around for decades. As it is an effective tool that helps to mobilize your joints by relaxing the soft tissues and muscles around them if done properly. But, the most important thing you need to know about foam rolling is that it is NOT a fix-all solution.

Foam rolling simply prepares your body to improve joint and muscle flexibility by relaxing any chronically tight tissues around them.

If a muscle is tight, or overactive, it will fight against any stretching you do for it. So, the foam roller can be used to help relax your muscle tissues in order to prepare them for other stretches.

It is what you do after foam rolling that counts!

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Proper Foam Rolling Technique

Here’s how to use a foam roller properly:

Beginner Technique

  • Simply roll the foam roller up and down your muscles in a controlled manner to massage the muscle. This is a great way for beginners to start, as it is the least intense.

Advanced Technique

  • For a more effective self-myofascial release technique, attempt to crush your tissues lightly by rotating on them horizontally using controlled pressure. So, instead of rolling the roller up and down your muscles, keep the roller in place and roll your body side-to-side (perpendicular) along the same area. This will reach down deeper into the tissues.
  • Then move slightly up the muscle and do the same thing.

To properly break apart adhesions in your soft tissues, stop at points where you feel the most pain and relax the muscle into the roller.

Stay on that spot for at least 30 seconds at a time and breathe deep to let your muscles relax. Then slowly continue rolling over the entire muscle.

If no tightness or pain is felt in a certain area, then either use a firmer tool or move on. You will only feel pain where there is tightness. The same as a massage.

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Choosing a Foam Roller

Foam rolling is most effective with a smooth round object that can roll over your soft tissues; such as a stiff ball or cylinder.

Soft Choices for a Light Massage

  • Basic Foam Roller
  • High-Density Foam Roller
  • Tennis Ball

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Firm Choices for a Deep Massage

  • 4-6″ PVC Pipe
  • Lacrosse Ball

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It is best for beginners to start with a soft roller, then upgrade to a firm roller. Preferably a solid PVC pipe or something similar.

I know that sounds like it hurts, and it does…at first. But it is the only thing that is truly going to work.

This is because, if the roller is less dense than your tissues, then it will break down and limit the amount of tissue release you can obtain.

Your tight tissues can only be fully released with dense objects that can break apart the adhesions. And anything made of foam just isn’t enough.

However, this also will increase the intensity of the message so you won’t need to use it as frequently. It’s the same as when you do high-intensity workouts, you need more time to recover.

What NOT To Get

When choosing your foam roller, make sure that you get one that does NOT have a bunch of spikes on it or “pressure points”. Though it may feel good, it is not nearly as useful as just getting a firmer object, like a PVC Pipe or Lacross Ball.

Remember, we want to smash over the muscle massaging everything, not just pinpoint it. That is what hand massages are for. And the fancy-looking rollers just don’t do as well.

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How often can I use a Foam Roller?

You can roll out your tissues anytime, from before, during, or after your workouts.

  • Before, or during, your workouts if you have a tight muscle that is causing pain, or preventing proper technique.
  • Post-workout or on non-workout days to help with recovery.

However, the same muscles should not be rolled out more than four times per week. And often not multiple days in a row, to allow for proper recovery.

This is because, when you use a foam roller, you are breaking apart your soft tissues, similar to when you workout. So you need time to recover before doing it again.

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How long should Foam Rolling take?

How long foam rolling takes, depends on how tight your muscles are. At first, your self-myofascial release massage may take an hour if you have a lot of tight tissues. If it does, then let it.

Do not rush through this process!

Over time, as your tissues are released and become more relaxed it will take less and less time.

If you have limited time, it is best to focus on the most important areas during the time you have. Set a timer if needed, and go for 10-20 minutes.

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Rotator Cuff Stretches

Rotator Cuff Stretches

How to do the best rotator cuff stretches to decrease shoulder pain, fast! Simple at-home mobility stretching exercises to improve flexibility and increase your bench press!

Your shoulder is the most moveable joint in the body and without proper Rotator Cuff Strength and Mobility, you will likely feel pain almost every time you work your shoulders; such as during the Bench Press and Military Press.

To fix your shoulder pain forever simply learn how to move properly and keep your rotator cuff healthy with these exercises. Working on your shoulder mobility is also essential if you enjoy sports like golf or basketball. 

How To Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff Muscles!

Shoulder Flexion Stretch


  • Improve Shoulder and Elbow Flexion


  1. Shoulder Flexion (Latimus Dorsi, Triceps Brachii)
  • While standing erect, grasp a stable structure or band anchored at shoulder height or higher.
  • Turn away and fully extend your arm holding the object with no tension on it.
  • Begin to walk away while allowing your shoulder and elbow to flex.
  • Move away while maintaining a vertical torso until your shoulder is fully flexed.
  • Maintain this tension and move into different positions, finding tight areas.
  • To increase the stretch, move farther away, lean forward, rotate inward or extend your elbow.

Shoulder Girdle Extension Stretch


  • Improve Shoulder Integrity
  • Improve Shoulder Extension and External Rotation


  1. Shoulder Extension (Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid, Coracobrachialis)
  • Externally rotate your arms so that your shoulders are pulled back together and your palms face forward.
  • Extend both arms behind you, grabbing a stable object to stretch on; this could be a bar, handles on a rope or even a countertop.
  • While standing upright and keeping your shoulders pulled back, step forward until you feel a stretch in your shoulder.
  • Make sure that your shoulders are pulled back into the socket and do not roll forward as you stretch.
  • Breathe deep and relax into the stretch as you try to extend your arms further while standing upright. 

Triple Bully Rotator Cuff Stretch


  • Improve Shoulder Extension
  • Improve Shoulder Internal Rotation
  • Improve Shoulder Integrity


  1. Shoulder Internal Rotation (Infraspinatus, Teres Minor)
  2. Shoulder Extension (Anterior Deltoid)
  • To start the Triple Bully Rotator Cuff Stretch, place your hand in the middle of your lower back with your palm facing away.
  • Keep your shoulder pulled back throughout the stretch.
  • In this position, grab a stable object or wrap a band around your wrist.
  • Step away from your hand until you feel a stretch in your shoulder.
  • From here you can rotate away, step farther from your hand, drop your hips lower or raise the band attachment to increase the stretch.
  • Move around in this stretched position to find the most effective position for your needs.
  • Be sure to keep your shoulder pulled back so that it does not rotate forward in the socket and improve bad positioning.

strength training warm up routine

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Hip Adductor Stretches

Hip Adductor Stretches

How to do the best hip adductor stretches to decrease knee and hip pain, fast! Simple at-home mobility stretching exercises to improve flexibility! Open your tight hips to prevent knee caving during wide stance Squats and Sumo Deadlifts!

Wall Splits


  • Improve Hip Abduction
  • Improve Hip External Rotation


  1. Hip Abduction (Adductors/ Inner Thigh Muscles)


  • Lay on one side with your hips flexed 90 degrees and legs extended, close to a wall.
  • Scoot yourself up towards the wall so that you are sitting against it sideways.
  • Raising your legs, rotate so that you are sitting against the wall with your legs directly over your hips and back pressed into the floor.
  • While keeping your back pressed into the ground and legs fully extended, allow them to slide down the wall in opposing directions until you feel a stretch in your inner thighs.
  • Relax into this position, allowing your legs to fall as far as they can.
  • To increase the stretch, flex your glutes to abduct your legs further or use contract and relax techniques.

Wall Squat Hip Stretch


  • Improve Squat Mobility
  • Improve Hip Flexion
  • Improve Leg Abduction


  1. Hip Flexion (Upper Hamstrings)


  • Lay on your back about 6 inches from a solid wall (avoid drywall).
  • Place your feet flat against the wall in your squat stance while still staying relaxed with no stretch.
  • Before you begin, brace your core and press your spine into the ground so that you lay completely flat with your hips down throughout the stretch.
  • To begin, start walking your feet down the wall slowly until you no longer can without assistance from your hands.
  • In this position, you can press into the wall to increase the stretch or use your arms to press your knees out farther.
  • Next, use your hands to assist in pulling your feet down lower on the wall or reset closer to the wall.
  • Your feet should always be flat against the wall.

strength training warm up routine

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Lat Stretches

Lat Stretches

How to do the best lat stretches to decrease back and shoulder pain, fast! Simple at-home mobility stretching exercises to improve flexibility and increase your pulling strength!

Overhand Lat Stretch


  • Improve Shoulder Flexion


  1. Shoulder Flexion (Latimus Dorsi)
  • Grasp a stable object, near your head height, with an overhand grip (palms down).
  • While maintaining a neutral spine and hips square, extend the same side leg behind you as you lean forward until you feel a stretch in your armpit or lat.
  • With your arm and leg fully extended keep a forward torso lean as you attempt to push your head through, in front of your arm.
  • Work through the tension in this position by internally and externally rotating your torso.
  • Try to press your armpit towards your front hip.
  • If you can flex your arm beyond your ear then this movement is not necessary.

Underhand Lat Stretch


  • Improve Shoulder Flexion


  1. Shoulder Flexion (Latimus Dorsi)
  • Grasp a stable object, near your head height, with an underhand grip (palms up).
  • While maintaining a neutral spine and hips square, extend the same side leg behind you as you lean forward until you feel a stretch in your lat.
  • With your arm and leg fully extended keep a forward torso lean as you attempt to push your head through, in front of your arm.
  • Work through the tension in this position by internally and externally rotating your torso.
  • Try to press your armpit towards your front hip.
  • If you can flex your arm beyond your ear then this movement is not necessary.

strength training warm up routine

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Learn How To Use A Foam Roller!

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Weightlifting Hip Flexor Warm-Up Exercise

Hip Flexor Warm-Up Exercise

How to do the exaggerated lunge hip flexor warm-up exercise to decrease knee and hip pain before Olympic Weightlifting!


  • Improve Hip Extension
  • Strengthen Hip Extended Positioning


  1. Hip Extension (Hip Flexors)


How To Do The Exaggerated Lunge Stretch

  • While keeping your hips square, place one foot on a raised surface (12-20 inches high) in front of you and the other behind you.
  • Keep your front foot pointed forward and slightly internally rotate your back foot as you extend your leg behind you.
  • Keep your torso vertical, core braced and tension on your rear glute as you bend your front knee to initiate the stretch.
  • When you feel the tension in your hip flexor, hold that position.
  • To increase the stretch you can flex your glute to further press your hips forward or flex and extend your posterior knee slightly to find other tense positions to hold.

strength training warm up routine

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Learn How To Use A Foam Roller!

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