Tag: Glute Exercises

Good Mornings

Good Mornings

How to do good mornings properly, with perfect form and technique! The best glute and hamstring exercise to build strong legs and hips for the squat and deadlift!

Note: This is an easier version of Romanian Deadlifts that focuses more towards the squat.


  • Teach Hip Hinge Mechanics
  • Build Hip Hinge Strength
  • Build Core Strength

Prime Movers:

  1. Glutes (Hips)
  2. Hamstring Complex (Legs)

How To Do Good Mornings Properly

  • Standing erect with the bar placed in your squat position, have your feet slightly turned out and placed in the position you want to make stronger.
  • Grasp the ground with your feet and create an external rotation force throughout the entire movement.
  • Take a deep breath and press it down into your abdomen, as you flex the surrounding muscles, to maintain a neutral spine throughout the lift.
  • Start the Good Morning exercise by pulling your head back into the bar and push your hips back as you lean your torso forward into a bow.
  • Allow your knees to bend slightly and press them out hard as you descend.
  • Only go as low as you can while maintaining a neutral spine and then flex your glutes hard to push your hips forward to raise the bar back to the start.

The first 45 degrees of your bow focus on your glutes (hips). The second 45 degrees leading towards parallel with the floor focus on your hamstrings (legs).

how to deadlift 600 lbs bookGet even stronger with our “How To Deadlift” Guide!

Everything you need to know about the Deadlift!

Includes a 12 Week Deadlift Program, Workouts, common Squat mistakes and how to fix them, and so much more in this nearly 100-page master guide!

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Glute-Ham Raises

How to do glute-ham raises properly, with perfect form and technique! Run faster, jump higher, and build muscle with the best glute and hamstring exercise for strong legs and hips!

Learn how to add 10+ inches to your vertical in just 12-weeks! >>


  • Build Leg (Hamstring) Strength
  • Build Hip Hinge Strength
  • Increase Hamstring Hypertrophy

Prime Movers:

  1. Hamstring Complex (Legs)
  2. Glutes (Hips)

The glute-ham raise is one of the most effective exercises for building brutally strong hamstrings that can support a HUGE squat and deadlift.

They are also an absolute must for athletes of all ages, regardless of size, that wants to be able to run faster, jump higher and overpower the competition. Athletes should be able to do at least 10 bodyweight reps on their own and then start to add weight by holding a weight plate to their chest in order to compete at a high level.

If you cannot perform these properly I recommend you start with negatives until you build the strength to do reps on your own.

You can start by kneeling on a pad and having a friend sit on your ankles and descend slowly under control before doing a push-up to press yourself back up.

When you get strong enough to do these without assistance, all of your main lifts will likely have shot up significantly by now and you can start holding a weight plate across your chest.

If you do not have a Gute-Ham Raise at your gym, or a friend to help out, you can just do some heavy leg curls instead, but it just won’t give you the same results.

Add 10+ inches to your vertical in 12-weeks! >>

How To Do Glute-Ham Raises (Hamstring Focus)

  • Get positioned in a Glute-Ham Raise Machine so that your knees rest at the back base of the main pad and your heels are hooked in place.
  • Starting with a vertical torso, arms to your sides and hips extended. Flex your glutes hard to prevent excessive hip flexion and brace your core.
  • Begin the movement by slowly controlling your bodyweight down as you allow your knees to extend to a lockout.
  • At the bottom position, quickly flex your knees and press them down to curl your entire body back to the starting position, while attempting to keep your hips extended.
  • Be sure to control your body weight and do not bounce out of the bottom position.

How To Do Glute-Ham Raises (Glute Focus)

  • Get positioned in a Glute-Ham Raise Machine so that your knees rest at the back base of the main pad and your heels are hooked in place.
  • Starting with a vertical torso, arms to your sides and hips extended. Flex your glutes hard to prevent excessive hip flexion and brace your core.
  • Begin the movement by slowly controlling your bodyweight down as you allow your knees to extend to a lockout.
  • Continue the motion downward by relaxing your glutes and flexing at the hip so that your body hangs down towards the ground.
  • From the bottom position, quickly flex your glutes and press down into the pad as you extend your hips to raise your torso the same as a back raise.
  • To continue the movement upward, flex your knees and press them down to curl your entire body back to the starting position while attempting to keep your hips extended.
  • This is a two-part movement that needs to have quick transitions to move most efficiently.

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Everything you need to know about the King of All Exercises!

Includes a 12 Week Squat Program, Workouts, common Squat mistakes and how to fix them, and so much more in this nearly 100-page master guide!

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Rack Pulls

Rack Pulls (Block Pulls)

How to do block rack pulls properly, with perfect form and technique! The best back exercise to work the top of the deadlift for a strong lower back and hips.

Sumo Deadlift Block Rack Pulls

Block pulls are a deadlift variation in which you lift the weight from a raised position in order to decrease the range of motion and focus on the lockout of the deadlift.

This decreased range of motion utilizing the strongest part of the deadlift movement allows for you to overload the deadlift when using weights over your normal maximum.

To gain the most benefit from block pulls, be sure to only use a slightly decreased range of motion so that the pull always begins below your knees, allowing you to still train the most difficult leverage point in the lift.

Setting Up The Blocks

Place blocks or plates, evenly stacked, underneath the bar loaded plates to raise the starting position. Ensure that the blocks are stable and will not move or break during the exercise.

You may also use a power rack in which the bar itself rests against the side railings to decrease the range of motion.

*Make sure that the range of motion is not decreased so much that the bar starts over your knees.

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Includes a 12 Week Deadlift Program, Workouts, common Deadlift mistakes and how to fix them, and so much more in this nearly 100-page master guide!

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How To Do Rack Pulls (Block Pulls)


  • Overload the Deadlift
  • Teach Hip Hinge Mechanics
  • Build Full-Body Strength
  • Build Hip Hinge Strength
  • Increase Core Stabilization Strength

Prime Movers:

  1. Glutes (Hips)
  2. Hamstring Complex (Legs)
  3. Quadriceps (Legs)



The Set-Up:

Your set-up is all about creating tension in the right places without wasting energy. You need to maintain that same tightness during the entire lift. If you lose tightness, then you lose strength.

Set Your Feet:

Set your feet shoulder-width or closer, to where the bar is directly over your mid-foot, and turn them out slightly (10-30 degrees).

You can use a conventional or sumo stance.

Grab The Ground:

Suction cup your feet to the ground by spreading your toes as wide as you can, then grasping the floor with your entire foot. Your entire foot (heel, the ball of your foot, and outer edge) should stay locked into the ground.

Then, while clenching your toes into the ground like eagle claws, create torque by externally rotate your feet, as if they were to spin in place, throughout the entire motion.

This movement should flex your entire lower body from your glutes down through your entire legs so that everything is tight, and nothing is loose or relaxed.

Maintain this external rotation torque throughout the lift.

Note: By grabbing the ground with your foot you are simply creating a strong arch in your foot, not rolling your ankle. Your feet should not move out of place or come up at all during these motions. Just create a rotational pressure to stabilize your joints, while your entire foot is locked into the ground.

Brace Your Core:

Suck in as much air as you can and hold it in, attempting to create as much intra-abdominal pressure as you can, to stabilize your spine. Then press your lips closed to hold the air in while flexing all of the musculature surrounding your entire torso, and forcing the air deep down into your abdomen. This is known as the Valsalva Maneuver.

If you are wearing a lifting belt, then brace out against the belt as you do this.


Bend At The Hips:

While staying tight and maintaining a neutral spine, bend mainly at the hips until you can grab the bar.

Grab The Bar:

(Conventional) Set your hands about 3 inches outside of your shins on either side, so that you have enough room to push your knees out and not run into your arms.

(Sumo) Set your hands directly under your shoulders.

After finding your preferred width, evenly set according to the power rings, spread your fingers as wide as you can as if to engulf as much of the bar in your hand as possible.

Then grasp the bar tightly with your thumbs wrapped, trying to crush the bar in your hands to take control of the weight.

This is your control point, SO TAKE CONTROL!!! Make the weight feel small while you become invincible with your crushing grip!

Then create an external rotation torque by pointing your elbows behind you.

Note: Use a double overhand-grip as often as you can, and only switch to over-under or hook grip when the weight gets too heavy to hold otherwise.


While keeping your entire body tight, again suck in as much air as you can and press it down deep into your abdomen increasing the intra-abdominal pressure. Hold this tightness throughout the lift.

Get Set:

Fully extend your knees to reset the tension to your hips, and then push them forward as you sit your hips back until the bar touches your shins. Use the bar as leverage to maintain balance.

Maintaining a constant external rotation torque in your feet and push your knees out hard as you do this.

While keeping a neutral spine, force your head back, with your eyes straight ahead. Imagine pulling your chin straight back, and never tilt your head up.

Maintain a neutral head position (straight spine) throughout the entire lift with eyes straight ahead.

Create Tension:

Pull the bar back into your legs as you position your hips back and down, chest high and back flat. This is called “pulling the slack out of the bar.”

In this position, your entire body should be tight and ready to pull with the weight tight up against your shins.

Your lats should be tight, arms are straight, elbows pointed back behind you, and shoulders over or behind the bar.

Tuck Your Shoulders:

Keep your shoulders back and down throughout the lift.

The Deadlift:

Press Into The Ground:

Simultaneously press your feet into the ground, drive your hips forward and pull your shoulders back as you extend your knees and hips together until lockout.

The entire lift should be one smooth motion.

Maintain Control:

Stay tight as you lower the bar, with perfect form, sliding against your legs all the way down. This will build strength and improve form.

If you are doing multiple reps, pause on the box/rack for 1-2 seconds, without bouncing the bar or losing tightness, then pull again.

If you set-up properly your body should do most of the movement for you. All you have to do is stay tight and lift.

Key Points:

  • Stay tight throughout the entire set-up and lift.
  • Grab the ground with your feet.
  • Pull the bar into you.
  • Torque your knees out throughout the full range of motion.
  • Drive your feet into the ground and hips forward.
  • Maintain a neutral spine and head position.

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Everything you need to know about the Deadlift!

Includes a 12 Week Deadlift Program, Workouts, common Deadlift mistakes and how to fix them, and so much more in this nearly 100-page master guide!

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How To Box Squat Properly: The Complete Guide

The Complete Guide on How to Box Squat properly to build leg, glute, hip, and hamstring strength and power! This is the proper powerlifting form and technique to get stronger.

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Page Contents:

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Why Box Squat?

The Box Squat is one of the most commonly used variations of the Squat. It utilizes a box to:

  • Teach Proper Squatting Technique
  • Decrease the Stress of Heavy Squatting
  • Build Strength at Specific Depths

The box squat breaks the squat into 3 parts so that you can focus on perfecting each part of the lift separately.

  1. By descending under control onto the box you will learn to better control the descent of a squat.
  2. The pause on the box allows you to ensure that your body stays tight at the bottom of the squat and builds strength at that specific depth.
  3. To come off the box you must use more force than normal by exploding up with your hips and legs in unison building explosive strength.

The box squat is simply the best way to perfect your squat form while building strength; other than performing more squats.

Your deload weeks are a great time to work on your box squat. And advanced lifters can use it for their main lift on Base Work sessions to take off some stress from the intense weights.

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Proper Box Height

First, always make sure you use a box that is strong enough to withstand the weight you are going to put onto it during your squat. Also, make sure that the box is not going to wobble or slide when you sit down.

The box height can vary based on your goals and mobility. If you lack the mobility to sit onto a parallel box with proper form, then start at a height about 1 inch below where you can maintain form and lower the box height 1 inch every 2-3 weeks as your mobility improves. This will help build strength in the new positions your body obtains through increased mobility.

A higher box height will allow for an overload from the parallel box. And a lower box height will under-load the parallel box squat.

Note: Make sure you set the box back far enough that you will not trip over it, but close enough so that you can sit on it without falling backward off balance.

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Get our “How To Squat” Guide!

Everything you need to know about the King of All Exercises!

Includes a 12 Week Squat Program, Workouts, common Squat mistakes and how to fix them! Plus, so much more in this nearly 100-page master guide!

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Proper Box Squat Technique


  • Test Full Body Strength
  • Test Leg Strength
  • Build Leg and Core Strength

Prime Movers:

  1. Quadriceps (Legs),
  2. Hamstrings (Legs),
  3. Glutes (Hips)


  • Stance,
  • Bar Placement,
  • Pauses,
  • Front Squat,
  • Accommodating Resistance,
  • Specialty Bars,
  • Assistive Gear,
  • etc.

The Set-Up

Your box squat set-up is all about creating tension in the right places without wasting energy. You need to maintain that same tightness during your entire squat. If you lose tightness then you lose strength.

Grab The Bar

Grasp bar firmly, with thumbs wrapped, as close to your shoulders as you can while maintaining a relatively neutral wrist position, that allows you to still pull the bar into your body.

If you grab too wide, then you will lose back tightness and risk falling out of position. If you grab too close, then you can stress your wrists and will be pushing the bar off your back rather than creating tightness from it.

Find the best position for you, and if you have shoulder or wrist mobility problems you should try to improve them before every training session. You can do this with my How To Warm-Up Guide.

Set Your Feet Directly Under The Bar

Set your feet directly under the bar in your squat stance so that the bar is directly over your midfoot.

If you set your feet behind the bar, then you will waste valuable energy as you have to pull the weight out of the rack from in front of your center of gravity.

You want to be able to stand straight up with the weight and not be out of position.

Set The Bar On Your Back

Squat down and place the bar in the strongest position for you on your upper back; anywhere between the base of your neck and middle of rear deltoids (shoulder muscle).

Note: A higher bar position will emphasize greater knee flexion and less torso lean. A lower bar position will emphasize more torso lean and less knee flexion.

The Unrack

Brace Your Core

Suck in as much air as you can and hold it in, attempting to create as much intra-abdominal pressure as you can, to stabilize your spine. Then press your lips closed to hold the air in while flexing all of the musculature surrounding your entire torso, and forcing the air deep down into your abdomen. This is known as the Valsalva Maneuver.

Hold this tightness throughout your entire set-up.

Pull The Bar Into You

Pull your elbows down and in towards your hips throughout the movement, as if you are going to bend the bar over your back. This keeps that bar locked in and it should never, ever slide out of place, if done properly. 

Push Your Head Back Into The Bar

While keeping a neutral spine, force your head back into the bar, with your eyes straight ahead. Imagine pulling your chin straight back, and never tilt your head up.

Maintain a neutral head position (straight spine) throughout the entire lift with eyes straight ahead.

Stand Straight Up With The Weight

Flex your glutes hard as you simultaneously, extend your knees and hips to lift the bar straight up, just over the rack hooks. Stay tight while you do this.

Walk It Out

Slide one foot at a time back 3-4 inches, or just enough to clear the rack hooks, so you are standing in your squat stance.

The farther you move the more likely you are to be out of position and waste energy. The bar should move straight up and down when you squat, so you do not need to move back very far.

The Box Squat

Foot Position

Toes should point somewhere between 10-45 degrees out depending on your stance width and mobility. Try different positions and see what works best for you.

If your heels come up as you squat or you have trouble getting to depth, then try either turning your toes out more or widening your stance, until you improve your ankle mobility.

Grab The Ground

Suction cup your feet to the ground by spreading your toes as wide as you can, then grasping the floor with your entire foot. Your entire foot (heel, the ball of your foot, and outer edge) should stay locked into the ground.

Then, while clenching your toes into the ground like eagle claws, create torque by externally rotate your feet, as if they were to spin in place, throughout the entire motion.

This movement should flex your entire lower body from your glutes down through your entire legs so that everything is tight, and nothing is loose or relaxed.

Maintain this external rotation torque throughout the lift.

Note: By grabbing the ground with your foot you are simply creating a strong arch in your foot, not rolling your ankle. Your feet should not move out of place or come up at all during these motions. Just create a rotational pressure to stabilize your joints, while your entire foot is locked into the ground.

Re-Brace Your Core

While keeping your entire body tight, again suck in as much air as you can and press it down deep into your abdomen increasing the intra-abdominal pressure. Hold this tightness throughout the entire lift.

Bend At The Hip

Initiate the motion by bending at the waist, pushing your hips back slightly, maintaining a neutral spine as if doing a 3-inch bow. Like doing a good morning. This is a slight motion just to open the hips.

The weight should stay over your midfoot, with no back arching.

Push Your Knees Out

Push your knees out laterally to open your hips throughout the lift. This better engages your hips and makes for a stronger box squat.

Your knees should travel in line with your toes during the entire lift. If they cave in at all then you need to work on your glute strength AND adductor mobility (being able to do the splits better to open up your hips).

Control Your Squat Onto The Box

While maintaining a neutral spine, open your hips and descend back and down bending your knees and hips simultaneously until your hips set softly on the box. DO NOT DROP ONTO THE BOX! Control the entire movement!

While maintaining tightness in your legs and torso, pause on the box for at least 1-2 seconds before forcefully press back up into the bar as you ascend.

Press your knees out and curling your heels into the ground, extending your hip and knees together.

Keep your head neutral and knees out over your foot.

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Key Points

  • Stay tight throughout the entire set-up and squat.
  • Pull the bar into you.
  • Grab the ground with your feet.
  • Torque your knees out throughout the full range of motion.
  • Control your squat, sitting on the box softly.
  • Maintain a neutral spine and head position.
  • Drive back up into the bar to stand.

Always use spotters during your squats for safety.

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Includes a 12 Week Squat Program, Workouts, common Squat mistakes and how to fix them! Plus, so much more in this nearly 100-page master guide!

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Mobility Exercises >>

How To Sumo Deadlift Properly: The Complete Guide

The Complete Guide on how to sumo deadlift properly for beginners and advanced lifters. Learn proper powerlifting form and technique to get a stronger back, glutes, and legs.

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Page Contents:

The Deadlift

The Deadlift is one of the most brutal and beneficial lifts there is. It is brutal because you have to lift a heavy weight from a dead stop, starting in a disadvantaged position, but it is so beneficial because it improves ALL of your other lifts

The Deadlift builds muscle mass throughout your entire body and tests your full body strength like nothing else can. Nothing can improve your hip, core, back, and grip strength as much as deadlifts. And nothing can replace it.

If you have a strong deadlift, then you probably have a brutally strong body from head to toe!

It is such a simple lift, yet so hard that very few people actually do them. As it affects the whole body, the chances of getting injured while doing it are also high. This is why it is always recommended to do it with proper guidance from a qualified personal trainer who can assist you with proper form and the right technique to do the deadlifts properly.

Not to mention, due to these reasons, many gyms don’t allow deadlifts, or have terrible set-ups for them. If that is your gym, then I highly recommend you go somewhere else that actually promotes strength and doesn’t hold you back from reaching your goals. Preferably somewhere with a proper deadlift bar.

Overall, the deadlift tests you physically and mentally with its brutality but can make you feel superhuman.

No ordinary person has every deadlifted 500+ pounds. It takes hard work, dedication and an internal fire to reach that achievement, and every pound after. If you have it in you, then you have the strength to do anything you desire.

It is you versus the weight in front of you. A weight that can take you from ordinary to extraordinary. All you have to do is pick it up.

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Conventional vs. Sumo Deadlift

The Sumo Deadlift is a variation that emphasizes more on the use of your legs to squat the weight up rather than your hips and back.

With this style, your hips are closer to the bar compared to a conventional deadlift with a more vertical torso, which takes the stress off of your lower back and places it on your legs. 

This decreased back stress allows sumo dead lifters to typically handle more overall work with deadlifts, as recovery will be easier.

Another advantage is the decreased range of motion, and therefore total work is done, compared to conventional deadlifts, but the start of the lift will be more difficult.

To become proficient at sumo deadlift, positioning and technique are key. If you cannot get into the proper positioning by externally rotating your hips enough, then sumo deadlift is not for you.

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Proper Sumo Deadlift Form

Click here for Conventional Deadlift!

Side view at the bottom of the page.



  • Teach Hip Hinge Mechanics,
  • Test and Build Full Body, Hip Hinge, and Core Stabilization Strength.

Prime Movers:

  1. Quadriceps (Legs)
  2. Hamstring Complex (Legs),
  3. Glutes (Hips),


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The Set-Up

Your deadlift set-up is all about creating tension in the right places without wasting energy. You need to maintain that same tightness during the entire lift. If you lose tightness, then you lose strength.

Set Your Feet

Set your feet close enough so that your shins are nearly touching the bar outside of where your hands will be placed, and turn them out as much as you need to get your knees behind the bar when you squat down (10-45 degrees).

Find the best position for you, and if you have hip mobility problems you should try to improve them before every training session. You can do this with my How To Warm-Up Guide.

Grab The Ground

Suction cup your feet to the ground by spreading your toes as wide as you can, then grasping the floor with your entire foot. Your entire foot (heel, the ball of your foot, and outer edge) should stay locked into the ground.

Then, while clenching your toes into the ground like eagle claws, create torque by externally rotate your feet, as if they were to spin in place. Do this throughout the entire deadlift.

This movement should flex your entire lower body from your glutes down through your entire legs so that everything is tight, and nothing is loose or relaxed.

Maintain this external rotation torque throughout the deadlift.

Note: By grabbing the ground with your foot you are simply creating a strong arch in your foot, not rolling your ankle. Your feet should not move out of place or come up at all during these motions. Just create a rotational pressure to stabilize your joints, while your entire foot is locked into the ground.

Brace Your Core

Suck in as much air as you can and hold it in, attempting to create as much intra-abdominal pressure as you can, to stabilize your spine. Then press your lips closed to hold the air in while flexing all of the musculature surrounding your entire torso, and forcing the air deep down into your abdomen. This is known as the Valsalva Maneuver.

If you are wearing a lifting belt, then brace out against the belt as you do this.

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Bend At The Hips

While staying tight and maintaining a neutral spine, bend mainly at the hips until you can grab the bar.

Grab The Bar

Place your hands directly under your shoulders and hips, so that your arms are vertical, not angled in or out.

After finding your preferred width, evenly set according to the power rings, spread your fingers as wide as you can as if to engulf as much of the bar in your hand as possible.

Then grasp the bar tightly with your thumbs wrapped, trying to crush the bar in your hands to take control of the weight.

This is your control point, SO TAKE CONTROL!!! Make the weight feel small while you become invincible with your crushing grip!

Then create an external rotation torque by pointing your elbows behind you.

Note: Use a double overhand-grip as often as you can, and only switch to over-under or hook grip when the weight gets too heavy to hold otherwise.


While keeping your entire body tight, again suck in as much air as you can and press it down deep into your abdomen increasing the intra-abdominal pressure. Hold this tightness throughout the lift.

Get Set

Fully extend your knees to reset the tension to your hips, and then push your knees out hard as you drive your hips forward into the bar. Your hips should be down and knees behind the bar.

Use the bar as leverage to maintain balance as you get into position and keep a constant external rotation torque in your feet.

While keeping a neutral spine, force your head back, with your eyes straight ahead. Imagine pulling your chin straight back, and never tilt your head up.

Maintain a neutral head position (straight spine) throughout the entire lift with eyes straight ahead.

Create Tension

Pull the bar back into your legs as your position your hips back and down, chest high and back flat. This is called “pulling the slack out of the bar.”

In this position, your entire body should be tight and ready to pull with the weight tight up against your shins.

Your lats should be tight, arms are straight, elbows pointed back behind you, and shoulders over or behind the bar.

Tuck Your Shoulders

Keep your shoulders back and down throughout the deadlift.

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The Sumo Deadlift

Press Into The Ground

Simultaneously press your feet down and out into the ground, as you drive your hips forward and pull your shoulders back, extending your knees and hips together until lockout.

The entire lift should be one smooth motion.

Maintain Control

Stay tight as you lower the bar, with perfect form, sliding against your legs all the way down. This will build strength and improve form.

If you are doing multiple reps, pause on the ground for 1-2 seconds, without bouncing the bar or losing tightness, then pull again.

If you set-up properly your body should do most of the movement for you. All you have to do is stay tight and deadlift.

Key Points

  • Stay tight throughout the entire set-up and deadlift.
  • Grab the ground with your feet.
  • Pull the bar into you.
  • Torque your knees out throughout the full range of motion.
  • Drive your feet into the ground and hips forward.
  • Maintain a neutral spine and head position.

Get our 12-Week Deadlift Program >>

how to deadlift 600 lbs bookGet our “How To Deadlift” Guide!

Everything you need to know about the Sumo Deadlift!

Includes a 12 Week Deadlift Program, Workouts, common Deadlift mistakes and how to fix them! Plus, so much more in this nearly 100-page master guide!

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