Stronger Than Cancer

What is Cancer? What are the Signs and Symptoms? Am I at Risk for getting Cancer? And how can I prevent it? These are some very common and important questions to ask about this terrible disease known as Cancer. This article will tell all and even teach you about using prevention as a cure for cancer! 

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Table Of Contents:


First, I want to begin by stating that, to date, there has not yet been found a cure for cancer. Cancer is a disease that the best doctors and scientists in the world are still trying to truly understand; to better help care for those with it.

This article is not meant to give false hope that a new discovery has been found. Or to argue against qualified medical professionals on how to treat cancer of any kind.

This is merely a helpful guide, for both those with and without cancer, to better understand how to decrease its negative effects. And how to prevent it from ever occurring to you.

With that being said, let’s begin…

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease where your body’s affected cells grow rapidly, randomly, and without control; blocking normal cell growth. This continuous growth forms into what is known as a tumor, or group of continuously growing cells. These cells can break off of the tumor and spread to other areas of the body, adding to the damage created by this unforgiving disease.

Tumors are also dangerous because they affect the cells around them, and start to modify the functions within the body’s systems to where the systems can no longer do their job properly. And if the cells within a system cannot perform their job, then the system breaks down and that body part no longer functions.

Imagine if that was your lungs, bones, or digestive system (colon). If any of those systems no longer function properly, then we will soon be brought to the harsh reality of cancer. 

We Are All Born With Cancer

Cancer Cells

The truth is, we all already have cancer.

We are all born with cancerous cells within our bodies. If we did not, we would not be alive. Cancer is just a continuous growth of cells that can get out of control if triggered. That is why we see cancer occur at all stages of life. Even in children.

We all have cancer cells. Though many of us will live a long healthy life without ever experiencing its devastation at work.

Why is simply unknown. But we can speculate that it is due to the cancerous cells being triggered by a combination of unhealthy living, heredity, and old age. And the more triggers you send to your cells, the more likely you are to start having them grow rapidly.

If un-triggered, then you will likely never get a tumor. So the best way to prevent cancer is through healthy living. 

Signs and Symptoms of Cancer

Before continuing, here are some common signs and symptoms that may help you determine if someone has cancer. 

  • Unexpected Weight Loss
  • Prolonged Fever
  • Fatigue – felt often
  • Pains – that are reoccurring or in specific common cancer sites
  • Skin Changes
  • Change in Bowel Habits or Bladder Function
  • Sores that Don’t Heal
  • Lumps or Thickening of Skin
  • Prolonged Illness

Reference: *Cancer Basics 2019

Often times, many of these signs and symptoms need to be felt to indicate the possibility of increased cancer activity. However, there is no guarantee.

So, if you are ever concerned that you may have cancer it is imperative that you see your doctor right away and thoroughly explain your reasons for speculation. 

For more information on Cancer signs and symptoms go to:

Cancer Risk

The risk of getting cancer among US citizens is relatively high, but there is still hopeful news.

In the US, the risk of getting cancer for males is 42% and 37.5% for females.

Of those with cancer, 86% are over the age of 50. And of those with cancer, ~70% survive and are able to live complete lives.

Also, it is estimated that 1.7 million people in the US will get cancer in 2019 (Cancer Basics 2019). And though these numbers can be scary, they can also be improved.

This is because the best treatment for cancer is PREVENTION through living a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

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Cancer Prevention

Prevention is the best treatment for cancer. And healthy living is the best way to prevent cancer and other illnesses.

Cancer Prevention Tips

Again, we are all born with cancerous cells within our body. And the more triggers, or “bad habits”, we give these cancerous cells, the more likely they are to become destructive.

So by avoiding a number of bad habits, we can greatly decrease our chances of ever triggering these cancer cells from growing out of control.

Here are some ways to prevent “triggering” cancer:

These are some basic ways found to help prevent cancer as well as many other forms of illness; including diabetes, internal organ failures, or common sicknesses.

Of course though, to be healthy enough to prevent illnesses you must have a combination of exercise, a good diet, and the avoidance of “bad habits” such as those listed above. 

Maintaining a Healthy Body

We know that we need to be healthy, but how do we know if we are healthy or not? The answer to that question varies because it is very individualistic.

“Healthy” is an opinioned term. This means that something may seem “healthy” to one individual and “unhealthy” to another. But the official definition is unclear.

However, a health assessment can be very beneficial in determining your risk level. And give you valuable insight into cancer prevention.

Take Your Health Assessment >>

Next, here are some physical guidelines that can help you better determine if you have a “healthy” amount of exercise and body composition to help prevent cancer:

Weekly Exercise Minimums

Breast Cancer Awareness Run

Below is a chart stating the minimum amount of weekly exercise you need to do in order to maintain a healthy body and prevent cancer. But realize that these are only minimums. And if you truly want to be healthy, you should do at least twice as much exercise, if not more. 


% VO2 Max

Minutes / Day

Days / Week

Moderate 40-60% 30 min. ≥ 5


Vigorous 60-85% 20 min. ≥ 3


A Combination of these 2 Intensities

Reference: Williams, L., Wilkins. (2019). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. American College of Sports Medicine. Tenth Edition. [Text]

Note: These are the weekly physical activity minimums as stated by the American College of Sports Medicine for an individual to obtain the physiological benefits of exercise required to not be considered sedentary, or without exercise.

Start Exercising! >>

Exercise Intensity

First of all, I know that most people do not know their VO2 Max. Also known as, the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use at one time during exercise. So let me simplify it for you.

Moderate-intensity is a pace that you can maintain for an extended period of time. And is intense enough that you cannot maintain a conversation during the activity. Think of it as between a 4-6 difficulty on a 1-10 scale. 10 being the hardest thing you have ever done and 1 being just above rest, such as standing.

Vigorous-intensity is a near-maximal intensity where you are working at a rate in which you may need to stop and do multiple bouts within the given time. Usually, this exercise lasts only 3-7 minutes per bout and is between a 6-8.5 on a scale of 1-10. 

Why Do We Care?

Now, why do we care about VO2 Max and meeting the exercise minimums, suggested by ACSM? We care because it has been shown that an increase in VO2 Max, also suggesting an increase in heart efficiency, decreases the rate of all-cause mortality.

This means that the more efficient you are at exercising, the better chance you have to avoid all causes of death by cardiac (heart) instances, illness, and disease.

This, of course, does not guarantee that you will not have something like a heart attack or cancer occur. But it greatly decreases your chances.

ACSM Body Composition Guidelines

Diet and Exercise Made Simple

Another way to decrease your all-cause mortality and prevent illnesses, such as cancer, is through maintaining healthy body composition. This is what the ACSM gives as basic guidelines for body composition:

Calculating BMI

BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a measurement of body mass density. This measurement is the leading standard for determining the risk level for all-cause mortality.  Or the likelihood of death from a heart-related incident (heart attack, heart disease, etc.) or illness (cancer, life-threatening diseases, etc.).

BMI = Bodyweight (kg) / Height² (m)


BMI = [ Bodyweight (lbs) / 2.204 (kg) ] / [ Height (inches) X 0.0254 ]² 

Weight (kg) = Bodyweight (lbs) / 2.204

1 kg = 2.204 lbs

Height (m) = Height (inches) x (0.0254)

1 inch = 0.0254 cm

Body Mass Index (BMI) Risk Level and Classification


Risk Level



Increased Risk Underweight


Normal Risk Optimal
25-29.9 Increased Risk


30-34.9 High Risk

Obese – Class 1


Very High Risk

Obese – Class 2

≥40 Extreme Risk

Obese – Class 3

*Risk Level is greatly increased when paired with a large waist circumference.

Reference: Williams, L., Wilkins. (2019). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. American College of Sports Medicine. Tenth Edition. [Text]

Waist Circumference

Your waist circumference is a measurement around the largest area of your stomach, or just below the navel.

While standing with feet together, arms at sides and feet relaxed, take a horizontal (level) measurement around the narrowest part of the torso between the umbilicus (belly button) and xiphoid process (base tip of the sternum).

Waist Circumference Risk Level



Risk Level

<80cm / <31.5 in.

<70cm / <28.5in. Very Low

80-99cm / 31.5-39in.

70-89cm / 28.5-35in.


100-120com / 39.5-47in. 90-110cm / 35.5-43in.


>120com / >47in. >110cm / >43.5in.

Very High

*Risk level is greatly increased when paired with an obese BMI measurement (≥30).

Referenced by: Williams, L., Wilkins. (2019). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. American College of Sports Medicine. Tenth Edition. [Text]

Muscle vs. Fat Tissue

By improving your body composition, you are much more likely to live a longer, healthier, cancer-free life. As you will place less stress on your body’s systems, allowing them to function better.

However, both your BMI and your Waist Circumference present the same health risk; whether your mass is made mostly of fat or muscle tissue. In fact, the stress on the heart may even be greater in those with more muscle.

This is because muscle tissue has blood vessels and must be maintained. While fat is simply stored, with little maintenance. And muscle puts increased stress on the heart to function at a higher rate at all times.

So it doesn’t matter if you are made mostly of rock-solid muscle or fat. The same risk applies because it is based on your heart. Not based on your tissue. 

Helpful Weight Management Articles:

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SHREDDED – How To Get Lean >>

RIPPED – How To Get 6-Pack Abs >>

Fat Loss Forever >>

The Bottom Line For Cancer Prevention

A lot is still unknown about Cancer. Except that we are all born with the potential for it to occur.

This is why we see children with cancer even though they have done nothing to trigger these uncontrolled growth responses. We simply do not know why they occur. And they can happen to anybody.

Even the most elite athletes can obtain cancer, such as Lance Armstrong. He was a world-class athlete and had multiple battles with cancer. But he survived them all. And he is a great example that cancer can be overcome.

Yet, the best treatment for cancer is still prevention.

And many people can prevent cancer, along with other illnesses, just by simply taking care of their body’s. If you live a lifestyle where you do not care for your body, then you cannot expect it to be able to protect you when you need it most.

However, just by taking a little time to exercise, eat clean, and avoid bad habits, you can greatly decrease your chances of ever getting a life-threatening illness. Then you can feel better and be there for the people and things that you love.

Take Action

So I suggest that you choose to challenge yourself. To make a better life for yourself, and those around you by taking action. And fight back against cancer, by preventing it all together!

I know it is not always easy and many of us already do way too much. But we have to put ourselves first sometimes to better be able to help others.

And that can be as simple as just being there for them in the future. And not placing the stress of possibly preventable illnesses on them.

So take action and be different today. Because tomorrow may be too late.

Take Action! >>

I wish you the best of luck at preventing cancer. And remember to keep getting stronger my friends! Stay Stronger Than Cancer! 

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Cancer Basics. (2019). Retrieved from

Wilkins. Williams, L. (2019). ACSM’s Guidelines For Exercise Testing and Prescription. American College of Sports Medicine. Tenth Edition. [text]


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