Tag: Motivated Mindset


Mathias Method Motivation

At times it can be hard to find the motivation to workout, let alone do anything. So, we created this motivational page to help give you the boost you need to get up and get to work. And after you find what you are looking for, please leave your favorite motivational quote(s) in the comments section to help others too! 

To start, here is my favorite motivational quote:

“Successful people do what they must, whether they feel like it or not.”

That quote always reminds me to keep pushing forward, even when I am tired or just don’t feel like it. It reminds me to use my self-discipline to keep me on track towards my goals.

Also, check out my book Motivated Mindset to find the motivation you need to succeed in every aspect of your life!

Words Of Wisdom Motivational Videos

Motivational Articles

Is your lack of motivation holding you back?

Start Creating Your Motivated Mindset Today!

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We all have goals, but we don’t all have the motivation we need to be successful.

It takes a certain mindset to succeed, and we are all motivated differently to obtain it. Some individuals are easily motivated, while the rest of us need to look deeper inside ourselves to spark that drive to succeed. In the end, we can all be successful! All we have to do is find your motivation, and create a powerful mindset behind it so there will be nothing that can break your will to succeed!

So, let these Words Of Wisdom guide you along your own Success Journey to find that one thing that truly motivates YOU!

Today is your opportunity to start making a change. Will you take it?

If you’re ready to start changing your life, then open your mind and allow the motivation to start flowing in!

Start Creating Your Motivated Mindset Today!

Also, remember to leave your favorite motivational quotes below!

Invest In Yourself

We all want that big break, where we suddenly start to succeed and get rich quick. We want to make that quick investment to finally achieve everything we ever wanted. However, many people seem to forget, the greatest investment you can ever make is in yourself. So, take the hard road, do it your way, and invest in yourself!

The greatest investment you can ever make is in yourself.

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This is an excerpt from my Book “Motivated Mindset“. 

Don’t let your lack of motivation hold you back from achieving your goals!

Find your motivation and change your life forever!

Get your copy here! 

You Are An Asset

You are the most valuable thing you can invest in because only you can create your own success. Without the proper mindset or skills, you may never reach your full potential. It is easy to invest your money, time and assets towards others; expect them to do all the work for you. However, by taking that easy route you are not improving yourself.

Again, you are your greatest asset and the most valuable thing you can invest in! Yes, you can find some success through others, but if you truly want to be successful, then you need to create your own success. You have to put in the time, energy, effort, money and resources to get your full value back. 

An investment in others will always die off, but an investment in yourself stays with you forever.

Maybe you just need:

  • to improve your health, so you go to the gym.
  • to heal your relationships, so you go to counseling.
  • more education or another skill, so you take some classes.
  • some free time to rejuvenate, so you take a vacation, go for a weekly drive somewhere, or take some time (15-60 minutes) every day to just relax.

Whatever you need to do in order to help build yourself up, start investing in yourself today. You will see an immediate return on your investment, and you will be well on your path to creating your own success!

Just keep investing, and someday you might just change the world!

Create Your Motivated Mindset Today!

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Take The Hard Road

Life is a journey, and you get to choose the path you take. Many will take the easy road while those that are strong-willed (like you and I), know that taking the hard road will make us stronger than before. So, when everyone takes the easy route, you should take the hard road. You will learn more and become stronger through the challenges you face. Then you can continue to lead forward with your new found knowledge as you create a new path for others to follow, while those that didn’t fight for their success have nowhere else to go.

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This is an excerpt from my Book “Motivated Mindset“. 

Don’t let your lack of motivation hold you back from achieving success!

Find your motivation and change your life forever!

Get your copy here!

Choose to do what is hard, because difficult things make us stronger.

Life is not supposed to be easy! If life was easy, then it wouldn’t be very rewarding. We need to struggle in order to appreciate the good times we have. Good things like success would hold no weight if there was not a struggle to get there!

Of course, not everything needs to be hard, but it shouldn’t all be easy either. It is good for us to fail at times in order to learn from it and build up some scars, so we can withstand more pain than before. So choose to take on challenges in life, because they will make you so much stronger!

Do What Is Difficult

Do what is difficult, because difficult things make us stronger.

You should be grateful for the challenges thrown your way because they make you stronger and help to define who you are by how you get through them. It’s easy to just give up and not even try when things seem too difficult, but it is through those challenges that we are reborn even stronger. Difficulty is just another pathway to creating your own greatness. Accept the challenge and show the world you will not be stopped!

Challenges do not stop you from achieving success.

They give you the opportunity to make a better one.

So many people take difficulty as a loss and just give up when things get tough, but struggle should push you, not hold you back. When you run into trouble, just view it as another opportunity to make things even better.

Change doesn’t have to be bad. You can take what you have learned and make a better future from them. Be open to change and learn from your struggles!

Leaders Take The Hard Road

The hard road is for leaders that want to push past what others have done before. While the easy road is for followers that want to quickly reach assumed success, with no real knowledge of how to get there.

Of course we all need to be good followers to learn how to become great leaders, but eventually, you will need to branch out if you want to continue moving forward. You have to go into the unknown and take risks. If you are strong enough, from all the hard roads you’ve taken before, you can succeed even when times are tough.

Once you have achieved success on your own, then no one can take it away from you. So choose the difficult things in life! Take the hard road and no one can take away what you have earned!

Don’t avoid what is hard. This is not supposed to be easy.

Destroy Challenges. Conquer Fears. Let nothing stand in your way!

This is your life! Own It!

Go Above and Beyond

On your Journey to Greatness, never do just the minimum!

When asked to do something 10 times, do it 11. Always do 1 more. One more than asked, one more than before, one more than you thought you could do…never the minimum.

Too many people do just the minimum requirements to get by and never reach their full potential because of it. It is those that push themselves beyond what is required, in everything that they do, that achieve true success. Go above and beyond to find what you are truly made of!

Create Your Motivated Mindset Today!

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How To Be “Somebody”

Many people spend their entire lifetime trying to find how to be somebody great. What they may not realize, is that they are looking in the wrong direction. Rather than searching outside of yourself for the answers, look inside at who you already are.

You were born with greatness inside of you…all you have to do is find a way to show the world how great you already are!

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This is an excerpt from my Book “Motivated Mindset“. 

Don’t let your lack of motivation hold you back from achieving success!

Find your motivation and change your life forever!

Get your copy here!

You were born “SOMEBODY”.

You just have to find a way to show the world who that “somebody” truly is!

Don’t waste your time trying to change who you are, but rather find how you can best express yourself to others in a way that benefits everyone. We are all great in our own way, and it is often hard to look deep inside of us with a confident eye to see our own greatness. However, you already have the answer to creating your own success.

Think positively, with an open mind in search of your inner greatness!

Find what you truly love to do (This is usually the things we would do if we had all the money and time in the world. Think, what you would do if you were retired right now?), and combine it with what you are good at. Often these things match up closely, so put them together. Then find the best platform to display yourself to others in a way that benefits everyone.

Maybe you have a lot of experience in a certain field and can provide information to people about it. Or maybe you are really good at inventing or building things and should create things for others to use. Maybe you have a certain personality or skill set to put to use.

Find your greatness, then find the best way to present your inner greatness to others! Be confident in your abilities and help others! Do what you are meant to do!

Be the “somebody” you were born to be!

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Create Your Motivated Mindset Today!

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