How Alcohol Decreases Performance and Muscle Gain

Alcohol is an acidic substance that can travel freely through the cells in the body. As it runs through our blood and into our brain, organ and muscle cells, it breaks down the tissues, causing damage and decreasing function. In small doses, it does little damage, but over time the negative effects can add up to significant performance loss, especially with excessive amounts.

Alcohol also greatly decreases water reabsorption, causing dehydration, testosterone and your body’s ability to recover from exercise. This puts even more stress on your body and adds to the negative effects of alcohol.

The goal of your diet should be to improve your performance and health, and anything that goes against that goal should not be a part of your diet. That includes alcohol, drugs, and even some foods.

So if you truly want to perform at your best, build muscle and be healthy, you should avoid consuming alcohol and any other harmful substances on a regular basis.

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