2024 Core Strength Plank Challenge

It’s time for the 2019 Core Strength Plank Challenge for men and women! Test your core strength and see how many plate stacking planks you can do without stopping! 

You can even challenge your friends to see who has the stronger core! Build strong abs and earn a 6-pack!

Watch the video to see how it’s done!

2019 Core Strength Plank Challenge | Build Strong Abs and Win a 6-Pack!

Planks are great for building core strength and strong abs! However, adding weight AND movement together create a whole new challenge! And with new challenges comes new strength!

So, now it’s time to see how many you can do! Comment your score below! Make sure to take a video and tag @MathiasMethod on all your social media!

Remember to challenge your friends!

Also, if you liked this plank challenge, check out our Daily 30 Fitness Challenge! Learn how to perfect your bodyweight exercises with the Daily 30 and get our FREE Bodyweight Strength Training Guide!

For more, check out our exercise guide for all of our abs and core exercises to help you lose weight and get stronger!

Plank Challenge Rules

To properly test your core strength and join the plank challenge you must follow these rules:

  • Start in the proper plank position, with your forearms on the ground and feet shoulder-width apart. In this position, only the balls of your feet and both forearms should be touching the ground.
  • Have one stack of plates (10lbs, 5lbs, 2.5lbsx3, 5lbs, and 10lbs) just outside of either forearm and within reach.
  • Use your opposite arm to reach across, pick up one plate at a time, and bring it to the opposite side of your plank making a new stack.
  • Making one new stack on each side, or across and back to the start position, equals one rep.
  • DO NOT raise your hips too high and take your core out of the movement.
  • DO NOT twist your body and turn it into a side plank. Try to keep your hips square.
  • If you drop a plate or it hits the ground before making a new stack, you start the challenge over.
  • If the plate stack falls, you fail and start over.

How Strong Is Your Core Strength?

2019 Core Strength Plank Challenge

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