How To Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels and Restore Hormone Balance

Do you feel tired and fatigued all the time? Have you noticed a loss in muscle mass and a gain in body fat? Or have you experienced a lack of sex drive or even erectile dysfunction? If so, then you may be showing signs and symptoms of low testosterone or hormonal imbalance. But don’t worry! This article will go over the 5 best and most effective ways of how to naturally increase your testosterone levels and restore hormone balance!

Note: This article isn’t just for men! All of this applies to men, women, teens, kids, and babies too!

First, let me tell you, I know how you are feeling. How? Because I was there too. Yes, I, a lean mid-20’s gym addict in great shape, that doesn’t smoke, drink, or party was diagnosed with low testosterone. Yeah, I couldn’t and didn’t want to believe it either. But blood tests don’t lie. Especially if you had 4 of them over a year.

So, I know what it is like not being able to “perform” no matter how bad you want to. And I know the shame you feel along with it. But I also know how to fix it! Because I did. And now I am back to feeling (and performing) like a teenager again! And I did it without the use of any injections or testosterone boosting supplements. Here’s how…

How To Naturally Increase Your Testosterone Levels Back To Normal

When I first got the low testosterone diagnosis I tried everything I could to increase my testosterone naturally. It was very important to me to avoid ever having testosterone injections or taking any test-booster supplements. And after everything I tried, these are the only things I found that worked for me.

The most effective ways to naturally increase your testosterone levels:

* In order of effectiveness

  1. Keep wireless devices (laptop, phone, etc.) 3+ feet away, whenever possible
  2. Turn off your Wifi Router at night
  3. Decrease Body Fat & Increase Muscle Mass
  4. Take a Zinc Supplement
  5. Sleep More

The first two listed may seem a bit unconventional, but I guarantee they work! I know, because they worked for me! In fact, they have been thoroughly studied and tested to work for thousands of people! So, I highly recommend you give them a chance!

Learn more about EMF Radiation and its negative effects at!

1. Keep your devices (laptop, phone, etc.) 3+ feet away whenever possible

All wireless devices emit radiation in the form of Electro-Magnetic Frequency (EMF). We have known this since cell phones first came out. And health experts have warned us of it ever since.

In fact, all of our devices are legally required to tell you how much radiation they give off. You can find this for your device in Settings > General > Legal & Regulatory > RF Exposure.

Now, does that mean you need to go totally off-the-grid like the Amish? No. But there are a few things you definitely should do to help protect yourself from EMF radiation.

The first step in decreasing the harmful effects of EMF radiation is to keep as much distance as you can from your devices. That means don’t sit your laptop on your lap. Keep your cell phone out of your pocket. And don’t sleep with your devices near your bed.

For me, this was the most effective thing I did to help increase and restore my testosterone back to normal. Because I am an author, I was constantly working with my laptop sitting on my lap. And that was the main cause of all my problems.

When I discovered this, I tried protecting myself by sitting at a desk with a table between me and my laptop. That may have helped a little, but it wasn’t enough to fix the problem. I was still too close.

How close, is too close?

  • Being within 1 foot of any wireless device is thought to be highly dangerous.
  • Being within 1-3 feet of any wireless device is thought to be moderately dangerous.
  • Keeping 3+ feet away as often as possible is thought to be relatively safe.

But what about when you need to be near your devices? Well, there are some products available now that can help shield you from the harmful effects of EMF radiation.

These products are what I use and have found to be most effective:

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Overall, I have found that keeping my devices at least 3 feet away from me whenever possible and using the SYB Products listed above have helped me the most in increasing and restoring my testosterone naturally. So, I know it will help you too!

2. Turn off your Wifi Router at night

Next, is a simple one for naturally increasing your testosterone. Yet, it is nearly as important and effective as keeping a distance from wireless devices. And that is simply turning off your Wi-Fi at night; and whenever you are not using it.

No, I don’t mean just turning off the Wifi for your specific device. That won’t do anything. And would actually be worse, because our wireless devices emit slightly less radiation while on Wi-Fi.

You need to turn off the actual Wifi Router for this to work. The reason being, the closer you are to your router, the stronger the connection. And the stronger the connection, the more EMF radiation that is emitted. And the more often you are exposed to Wi-Fi radiation, such as all day and night, the more harmful it is.

So, by simply turning off the Wi-Fi, eliminating your exposure to it, you are protecting yourself. And, since our bodies produce most of our testosterone and other hormones while we are asleep, this will protect you at the most vital time.

Also, this is a great time to turn off any of your other devices as well. If you don’t need it on, then why not? You can protect yourself and save energy at the same time!

What if you can’t?

Or, if you prefer to keep your Wi-Fi on at night, you can protect yourself from both bugs and radiation with the SYB Bed Canopy.

By simply turning off my Wi-Fi Router at night, I experienced significant changes in my testosterone levels within just a week! And within a month a blood test proved I significantly increased my testosterone!

3. Decrease Body Fat & Increase Muscle Mass

This is where most other “How To Naturally Increase Your Testosterone Levels” articles start. And they are right. By improving your body composition, by decreasing body fat and increasing muscle mass, you can greatly improve your hormone levels. For me, neither played a big role in boosting my testosterone, because I already had a great diet and worked out often. But I could definitely tell when I slacked off of either.

So, here is what you need to know about diet and exercise to naturally boost your testosterone levels.

Exercise More

First, if you don’t exercise, you should. Not only for overall health but to help with hormone balance as well. And the best form of exercise to increase testosterone levels is strength training. This is because the more muscle you build, the more testosterone your body naturally produces to maintain that muscle mass. And strength training forces your body to build muscle.

If you need a strength training program, I recommend you use Base Of Strength. That is the program I used and it helped me a lot. Plus, it is great for both total beginners and advanced lifters (like myself).

Or if you want something else, I have plenty of other programs you can use. Get a Strength Training Program >>

Next, if you are overweight or want to lose body fat, then you will also need to add in some cardio work. This will help to strengthen your heart and burn fat while maintaining your muscle mass.

I recommend 30-60 minutes of cardio, 4-5 days per week, after your strength training workouts or on off days.

For your cardio workouts, you can go jogging, cycling, or use your favorite cardio machine at the gym. But don’t go too easy. You need to be breathing hard for it to be effective. And remember, walking is NOT exercise.

So, by exercising more you will naturally increase your testosterone levels and be well on your way to full restoration!

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is also extremely important when it comes to boosting your testosterone. As there are many foods that can help or hurt your chances of restoring your testosterone levels. Here are some…

Foods that Decrease Testosterone:

  • Soy Products
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • High-Fat Meals
  • Processed Foods
  • White Meats (Chicken, Turkey, etc.)

Foods that Increase Testosterone:

  • Whole Eggs
  • Dark, Lean Meats (Steak, Buffalo, Salmon, etc.)
  • Green, Leafy Vegetables (Spinach, Spring Mix, Kale, etc.)
  • Pinto Beans
  • Garlic
  • Cayenne Pepper

Of course, there are more foods that can be added to these lists, but these are the most important ones to know. And adding in, or taking away, just a few of these foods can make a big difference towards increasing your natural testosterone levels.

4. Take a Zinc Supplement

You may have noticed that the foods listed above that help to increase your testosterone contain high amounts of either zinc or cholesterol or both. That is because zinc and cholesterol are the most important nutrients involved in testosterone production.

  • Zinc is one of the main components used in sperm production and is directly related to increased or decreased testosterone levels. And most people are zinc deficient.
  • Cholesterol is the building block of testosterone. And most people get enough through proper diet, as long as they do not limit intake of dark meats and whole eggs.

Zinc deficiency is directly related to low testosterone. Also, our body cannot store zinc. So, we need to obtain a significant amount of zinc daily in order to maintain normal or increased testosterone levels.

11-30mg of zinc daily is optimal. This can be achieved through a proper diet, but it is also helpful to take a Zinc Supplement.

Or better yet a Multivitamin just in case you are low in other nutrients as well. And it is best to take it about an hour before bed because most of our testosterone production occurs while we are asleep.

So, I highly recommend you start taking a Zinc Supplement to help increase your testosterone levels and prevent low-testosterone problems.

Note: Fish Oil can also help improve circulation and decrease stress on the heart, leading to stronger erections.

5. Sleep More

The final thing on our list, but still very important, is sleep. Again, most of our testosterone production occurs while we are asleep. So, just by getting more restful sleep, you can greatly increase your testosterone.

How much sleep do you need to increase testosterone?

It all depends, but you should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Preferably 9-10 hours if you can.

Just remember to keep your Wi-Fi and any unnecessary devices off and away from you while you are asleep. That will allow for the greatest amount of testosterone production and overall increase.

Now Go Increase Your Testosterone!

By following these simple steps you will be well on your way to naturally increasing and restoring your testosterone levels. All that is left now, is for you to take action. And if you do, I am sure you will feel the difference in less than a week. I know I did!

Remember to protect yourself with these SYB Products:

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