Want to Get Fit? Here’s How to Make it Happen

Many of us have resolved to get fit and live healthier, but haven’t been able to achieve our goals. But just because failure is common doesn’t mean it’s inevitable. If you want to get healthier and more fit, these tips will help you follow through to make it happen.

Be Realistic

According to Zenbusiness, choosing a goal you’re unlikely to achieve is only setting yourself up for disappointment and frustration. As tempting as it may be to set big, lofty goals, it’s better to commit to ones that are significant without being out of reach. For most people, that means aiming for personal bests rather than trying to become the best in your sport. While it may feel less exciting, the sense of accomplishment you feel when you achieve your goal makes it all worth it.

Make A Plan

Every goal is doomed to failure without a gameplan. Instead of setting vague goals like “start running,” make your goal specific. If you want to become a better long-distance runner, for example, you can resolve to run 10% further every week until you meet your target distance. Want to grow stronger? Learn about the Mathias Method Strength System approach to strength training which can help everyone from beginners to advanced lifters.

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Break Down Big Goals

Big goals are daunting, and it’s easy to feel paralyzed by the scale of the task ahead. Keep it manageable by breaking down your big goal into smaller chunks with shorter deadlines. Want to run a half marathon but can’t make it around the block without getting winded? Start by aiming to run a mile without stopping, then aim for a 5K, a 10K, and beyond. This strategy not only makes your goals seem less intimidating, it also builds your motivation with mini-successes along the way.

Give Yourself The Tools To Succeed

Physical fitness isn’t achieved in isolation. Finding the energy to get active day after day requires treating your body right all of the time, not just when your running shoes are on. Likewise, exercise can clear the path for other wellness goals. For example, quitting drugs or alcohol makes it easier to have time and energy for workouts, just like exercise and a healthy diet make it easier to curb cravings and cope with the stress of addiction recovery.

Share and Track Your Goals

If you don’t tell anyone about your fitness goals, no one knows if you fail. While that might seem like sound logic, it also makes it much easier to give up on a goal that’s important to you. Instead of keeping your ambitions a secret, share them with friends and family to increase your odds of sticking to it. Simply talking about your goals on Facebook can make you 36% more likely to achieve them, according to reporting by Shape.

Too shy to share your objectives publicly? Smartphone apps offer more discreet ways to hold yourself accountable.

Forgive Slip-Ups

The path to self-betterment is rarely linear. The odds are good that you’re going to lose sight of your goals at some point during the year. Instead of beating yourself up or deeming yourself a failure over a slip-up or two, acknowledge setbacks as part of the process and make a plan to get back on track.

Reward Yourself

Finally, be sure to reward yourself for successes—both the big one and the little ones you find along the way. Even when it’s hard, meeting your fitness goals shouldn’t feel like a punishment. By rewarding yourself when you meet a benchmark, you keep your motivation high so you can make it to the finish line.

Creating new habits is hard, and it’s easy to write off your fitness goals as just a bunch of empty promises. But the truth is, they’re only empty if you let them be. This year, kickstart healthier habits and make “get fit” a reality. Your future self will thank you.

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