How to Improve Your Home Workouts with 1 Easy Step

With the time and resources it takes to go to a gym, more and more people are understandably turning to home workout routines to reach their fitness goals. However, it can be challenging to see progress with home workouts—especially for those with limited knowledge of workout routines.

Fortunately, there’s one easy way to vastly improve your home workout routine and see progress in a shorter amount of time: online personal training.

If you’re considering online personal training but are still weighing out its value to your home workout routines, then this article is for you. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about online personal training. 

Inside this guide:

  • What Is Online Personal Training?
  • The Benefits of Online Personal Training
  • How to Get Started with an Online Personal Trainer

What Is Online Personal Training?

Contrary to popular belief, online personal training is not a workout routine conducted over Zoom or Skype. Instead, an online personal trainer utilizes a personal trainer software to deliver a personalized training plan catered to your fitness goals. 

These training programs often include workout plans, video demonstrations, and nutrition guides, to name a few. Most likely you will follow the plan remotely at your own schedule. But you can still opt to have one-on-one consultations with your personal trainer both offline and online depending on your preferences. Usually, in-person consultations are reserved for discussing forms, addressing obstacles, or reviewing progress. 

As mentioned before, online personal trainers use software to deliver the training plan. Most online personal trainer software tools also have built-in community and progress features that allow your online personal trainer to keep tabs on your progress and optimize your workout plans further. 

In other words, online personal training is just like having a direct personal trainer at the gym—except you get to enjoy the benefits from the comfort of your home!

The Benefits of Online Personal Training

Here are some of the key benefits of having an online personal trainer:

  • Convenient and Flexible: Unlike going to a gym, an online personal trainer gives you the freedom to work out whenever and wherever you want. This is highly beneficial to those with busy schedules that can’t accommodate usual gym business hours.  
  • Specifically Curated: An online personal trainer will set up initial consultations to discuss your fitness background, workout preferences, medical history, and fitness goals to ensure that your workout plan can yield the best results. 
  • Affordable: Compared to traditional personal trainers, online personal training is significantly more affordable. You can expect to spend anywhere between $25 and $150, depending on the workout plan you and your trainer agree on.
  • Highly Accessible: Online personal software tools are at your reach 24/7. Even if you’re on the go, you can still access your workout plan or personal trainer through mobile apps on Apple or Android

With these benefits in mind, it’s easier to stay on track with your workout routine and see concrete progress on a regular basis. 

How to Get Started with an Online Personal Trainer

Considering the convenience that comes with online personal training, it only makes sense that getting started is a quick and easy process, too. So If you’re set on improving your home workouts and achieving your fitness goals with an online personal trainer, these are the essentials:

  1. The 1st step is obviously to find a good online personal trainer. We recommend that you start local. If there’s a great trainer near you, ask if they have (or are willing to offer) an online personal training option. Many trainers will happily take the opportunity for a new client in this model. If you have specialized needs or have a preferred trainer that is not local then go for a remote personal trainer.
  2. During consultations with online personal trainers, make sure to be as detailed as possible when it comes to your medical history, fitness experience, and workout goals. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions to help you understand how your fitness program can yield the results that you want.
  3.  Make sure to always follow through with your workouts and hold yourself accountable. Although it can sometimes be challenging to work out without the physical presence of your personal trainer, consistency is the key to seeing great progress. 

Taking these steps to heart is a surefire way to greatly improve your home workouts and see substantial progress in your home workout routine. Get started with your online personal training journey now!

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