Weighted Decline Sit-Ups

Weighted Decline Sit-Ups

How to do weighted decline sit-ups properly, with perfect form and technique! The best ab exercise to build a strong core and abdominals!


  • Increase Abdominal Strength
  • Increase Abdominal Hypertrophy

Prime Movers:

  1. Rectus Abdominis (Abs)
  2. Rectus Femoris (Leg Hip Flexor)

How To Do Weighted Decline Sit-Ups

  • Lay on a decline bench with your legs hooked so that you are stable.
  • Begin by, holding a weight over your chest or at arm’s length over your shoulders, as you curl your chest towards your hips and raising your torso off the bench until you are sitting vertically.
  • Then control the descent, reversing the motion, until just before your shoulder blades touch the bench.
  • Repeat for repetitions while maintaining tension on your abdominals and holding the weight in the same position throughout.

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