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All Motivational and Inspirational Articles for Success

How To Be “Somebody”

Many people spend their entire lifetime trying to find how to be somebody great. What they may not realize, is that they are looking in the wrong direction. Rather than searching outside of yourself for the answers, look inside at who you already are.

You were born with greatness inside of you…all you have to do is find a way to show the world how great you already are!

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This is an excerpt from my Book “Motivated Mindset“. 

Don’t let your lack of motivation hold you back from achieving success!

Find your motivation and change your life forever!

Get your copy here!

You were born “SOMEBODY”.

You just have to find a way to show the world who that “somebody” truly is!

Don’t waste your time trying to change who you are, but rather find how you can best express yourself to others in a way that benefits everyone. We are all great in our own way, and it is often hard to look deep inside of us with a confident eye to see our own greatness. However, you already have the answer to creating your own success.

Think positively, with an open mind in search of your inner greatness!

Find what you truly love to do (This is usually the things we would do if we had all the money and time in the world. Think, what you would do if you were retired right now?), and combine it with what you are good at. Often these things match up closely, so put them together. Then find the best platform to display yourself to others in a way that benefits everyone.

Maybe you have a lot of experience in a certain field and can provide information to people about it. Or maybe you are really good at inventing or building things and should create things for others to use. Maybe you have a certain personality or skill set to put to use.

Find your greatness, then find the best way to present your inner greatness to others! Be confident in your abilities and help others! Do what you are meant to do!

Be the “somebody” you were born to be!

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Create Your Motivated Mindset Today!

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How To Prioritize Your Time For Success

Time is the one thing that we are always losing and can never get back. Knowing this, we have to organize our time and prioritize what we do with it.

Realize that your time is very valuable, even in small quantities. We all need some free time to relax, but too many people waste their own time by doing so many things for others, so then they have no time or energy for themselves.

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This is an excerpt from my Book “Motivated Mindset“. 

Don’t let your lack of motivation hold you back from achieving success!

Find your motivation and change your life forever!

Get your copy here!

Without time to yourself, how can you move forward in life? Eventually, we end up making the same mistakes over and over until we wake up 20 years later finally realizing how important all that time was.

If you want to do something with your life, you need to do it right now! Start planning and taking action, because no one is going to hand you the time to do it. You have to fight for your time and take advantage of every free moment to improve yourself. There is no time to waste!

Taking Action

You can start by setting aside, a few minutes each day to work on a project, take 1 day per week, or even use a vacation as your work time to start creating your success.

100% of your time is yours to give.

We need to give some time to our jobs, our families, and our friends, but no matter what, at least 10% of your time needs to be kept to yourself, for yourself! That 10% is 2.5 hours per day, 17 hours per week, 3 days per month, and 36 days per year!

Just think of how much you can get done with just that 10%! Use it to the fullest! Many people use that time just to relax and watch TV, while successful people use that time to advance themselves, even if they don’t feel like it. Which are you?

You are in control of your time, so make sure you are using that time to your advantage. Don’t just giving charity to others, when they don’t return the favor, or be lazy yourself.

Most of the time spent to yourself should be towards your own self-improvement. Success is a habit, so make it a habit to prioritize your time and you will be successful.

You can unwind when needed, but also use your time to create your own success! Success takes time and time is not on our side. Be strong and make your time/success a priority! 

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How To Use Hate To Your Advantage

HATE is a powerful motivational tool we can use to our advantage.

Yes, HATE is also hurtful and unacceptable when presented by others, but we can use that HATE as motivation for our own success.

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This is an excerpt from my Book “Motivated Mindset“. 

Don’t let your lack of motivation hold you back from achieving success!

Find your motivation and change your life forever!

Get your copy here!

Just think…what is your first thought when someone says, “You can’t do that!”? Do you take that as a personal hit to where you believe you are not good enough or do you use that HATEful doubt as fuel to succeed?

That HATE is a powerful tool in creating your success!

Now, of course, going out on a HATEful rampage is not going to solve anything, and that is not what this is about. It is about using your HATE to your advantage.

Athletes and coaches use this all the time to fuel success, and you can too!

Use the HATE of where you live, HATE of what you do, HATE of your environment, HATE of your situation and all the HATEful things around you, as the fuel for your greatness!

Use that internal HATE to start making positive changes in your life!

HATE should motivate you to want to do better, and be better, no matter how many things hold you down.

We cannot choose the position we start our life in, but we can choose what we do to change it.

We can stay down when life pushes, or get up and hit back harder.

In life, there is no disadvantage that can hold you down forever, unless you let it. You can choose to take life for what it is and get pushed around harder day by day, or accept what you have and turn it into an advantage.

Make your troubles and disadvantages into advantages to take on the world. 

Take everything that annoys you, hurts you, all your past troubles, your failures, and ball it all up into one big ball of motivational rage ready to take on the world and show everyone WHO YOU ARE!

Take all the HATE you feel every day and eat it for breakfast! Control and funnel all your rage into one thing! That one thing that will get you out of your current life and moving on to a new one!

Whether it be a new project you need to start, working harder at your job, giving more love to your family, starting a new career, getting through school, accomplishing a goal, whatever it is, feed it with your internal rage!

Eat HATE and spit out success! Use your demons to show the world who you are and who you were always meant to be! Show the world how great you are and fight back against the HATE!

Are you going to stay down when life pushes, or are you going to push back? 

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Get my Book, Motivated Mindset, for more Motivation like this!

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Love is the Most Valuable Thing

The most valuable thing on earth is LOVE.

…The second being apple pie!

  • LOVE of yourself.
  • LOVE for and from others.
  • LOVE of where you live.
  • LOVE of what you do.
  • LOVE of everything around you. 

LOVE is the motivation that keeps us going in search of more…

The power of  LOVE is undeniable. Without LOVE, we have nothing. You don’t have to LOVE everything in your life to live happily, but you should LOVE most things.

If you do not LOVE who you are around, where you live, or what you do, then there is little chance of you living a happy life.

You must find a way to create your happiness, by getting in touch with things that you LOVE. After all…

Happiness is made, not found.

Happiness is not something you can just stumble upon and find, though many people try. You have to make yourself happy, by creating a life that you LOVE and accepting the greatness of things already around you.

Yes, it takes effort, but it is worth it.

The feeling of LOVE can lead you to greatness. By loving yourself and the things all around you each day, you will become addicted to the feeling and want to find more. As you find more things to LOVE you will then begin to help others do the same.

Spread the LOVE!

Don’t search to be with the one you love the most.

Be with the one that loves you the most.

When those two meet, that is true love.

LOVE is our motivation behind everything we do. We do things for those we LOVE and the things we LOVE.

We work by doing things that we LOVE, or to be able to do the things we LOVE. We take care of our families, because of LOVE. We do things in our free time, because of LOVE.

LOVE is a great feeling and we are always in search of it, through the things we do. Through LOVE, we have everything we need.

So find what you LOVE and keep that as your everlasting motivation to Change Your World!

Love Where You Live

Your home is where you spend most of your time. If you do not LOVE your home, how can you be happy or motivated to do anything?

You must create a place that you LOVE to come home too. If you do, then every day you will have something that you LOVE all around you, making for a much happier life.

With just a little time and effort, you can make a big difference. Even if you just clean one thing per day, or fix one thing per week, or just change some things around, you can start to see a difference.

Create a home that you LOVE and start to live happier because of it.

Love What You Do

What you do with most of your time, whether that be work or a hobby, needs to be something that you LOVE to do. If you don’t LOVE what you do with most of your time, then how can you expect to be happy?

We are not all robots that can just go through the motions of our job over and over again without feeling some resentment.

If you do something a lot, then you will either LOVE it or hate it.

You might as well do something that you LOVE and find, or create, a way to earn a living doing it. If you can do that, if you can LOVE what you do, then you will never feel as if it is “work”. You will simply, be doing what you LOVE to do.

That’s called living, my friends.

Love Who You Are With

Some people spend their whole life’s trying to find the one that they think is “perfect”, or fits their criteria, in hopes of finding true LOVE. Yet, they are looking in the wrong direction.

True LOVE is found when you find the person that LOVEs you the most, and that you LOVE the most in return. It’s not about the person that you are willing to put up with, it’s about the person that is willing to put up with you.

If you spend your life with someone that does not show you, LOVE, then how can you be happy?

As conscious people, we need to feel LOVE, and if someone does not present that to us, then you might as well be alone.

LOVE is always better when presented from another, but you too can also show LOVE to yourself. If you don’t have a significant other, you can look to family for LOVE, friends, or just treat yourself.

The truth is, you are never alone, and someone else is always there to show you some LOVE. Find them, and hold on tight, because LOVE is a journey.

Read more…

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Create Your Motivated Mindset Today!

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What is a Motivated Mindset?

A Motivated Mindset is one of strength, discipline, courage, positive thinking, confidence, and never-ending hunger for success; all backed by the motivation from within you.

Motivation is the life-force and reasoning behind everything we do. Our actions, our choices, our jobs, our free time, our beliefs, our thoughts, and our dreams are all fueled by the things that motivate us.

Without motivation, we have no reason to do anything.

Even the most basic motivation can drive you to do the impossible. For instance: survival.

Survival can motivate you to get up to drink some water or lead you to fight for your life against an attacking Grizzly Bear. Either way, you are doing it to survive. 

To create a Motivated Mindset, that will drive you to success no matter what challenges lay ahead, you must find the one thing that motivates you to push forward each and every day, no matter how hard things get.

You must search deep within yourself with an honest eye, and discover your purpose. Find the reason you were put on this earth and what you are meant to do.

No one is placed here to be average. Average is a choice you make when you hold yourself back from what you were meant to become. So stop holding yourself back and find what you were born to do!

Get my Book, Motivated Mindset, to find your motivation!

How To Create a Motivated Mindset


To succeed you will need to be strong.

  • Strong enough to fight off the self-doubt, and strong enough to do what is difficult. You are stronger than anything standing in your way, and the only thing that can hold you back is YOU.


To succeed you will have to be disciplined.

  • Your self-discipline will guide you to do what you must in order to succeed, even when you don’t feel like it. The Journey will take time, so your motivation must be strong enough to keep you on the path.


To succeed you will need courage.

  • Be courageous enough to move beyond your fears, and get out of your comfort zone. You will have to rise above your fear of failure and know that success is just on the other side. You will have to face your fears and use your success over them as further motivation to succeed. Don’t allow fear to hold you down!


To succeed you will have to stay positive.

  • Even when times are tough, stay positive and find a way to succeed. Emotions do not solve problems, only your efforts can. If you say you can’t do something, then you are right, but if you stay on task, you will always have a chance. And in life, that is all we need…one chance.


To succeed you will need confidence.

  • You will have to be confident in yourself and believe that you can succeed. Failure may occur, but that is never the end. Be so confident in yourself that there’s no room for self-doubt. Doubt will only hold you back, confidence will only push you forward.

Your motivation will guide your mind through all of these pieces to create a powerful Motivated Mindset that can’t be broken. A mindset that fights for success and never strays from the path along your Journey to Greatness!

So now, it’s time to find what motivates you…

Get my Book, Motivated Mindset, for more!

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