5 Benefits of Pyramid Sets

Pyramid sets are considered to be one of the best methods for gaining both size and strength. They’ve stood the test of time, much like their counterparts in the Egyptian desert. But when it comes to actually talk about the benefits, we don’t always focus on more than this. In this article, we’ll be discussing the benefits of pyramid sets that you should know about before going back to doing straight sets.

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#1 – Pyramid Sets Warm You Up

Starting off your pyramid sets with lower weights is a great way to get warmed up. 

Many people perform 3 or more sets just to get warmed up. And this can prevent injuries and also get your muscles primed for heavier lifting.

Performing pyramid training is all about gradually increasing the weight each set, while simultaneously decreasing the reps.

So, for this reason, warm-ups are built into your training from the outset!

#2  – Helps Activate CNS

Activating your CNS (Central Nervous System) is one of the key ways to maximize your strength. And it’s no secret that pyramid sets are great at doing this.

Many people go into the gym and try to lift a weight from the beginning and can’t. But when using pyramid sets to build their way up by activating their CNS and warming up, they often can.

#3 – Pyramid Sets Keep You Motivated

One way to make sure you’re not motivated is to always be doing the same workouts, lifting the same weights. 

If those weights are especially heavy you might start to dread your sessions. And that’s the worst thing possible for any lifter.

Consistency is the ladder to success. And without motivation, you can’t be consistent.

#4 – Allows You To ‘Feel It Out’

Going back to our second point, sometimes people will go into the gym and try to lift a weight and fail.

However, with pyramid training, you’re going to be able to know before you attempt a lift whether it’s going to be too heavy for you or not.

If you’re struggling with your warmup sets, it’s going to be unsafe for you to try your heaviest working set. 

It’s usually a good sign that you’re tired, not fully recovered, or haven’t eaten enough.

It’s incredibly useful feedback that can save you injuries and a lot of frustration.

#5 – Keeps Energy In The Tank

Usually, most people are going to be performing more than a single heavy compound lift during a workout.

So pacing yourself is really important. And pyramid training does that for you. Each set increases the workload but decreases the reps. 

So your total volume is moderate rather than insanely high. This then allows you to repeat the same process on other lifts and exercises.

Conclusion on Pyramid Sets in Training

Pyramid sets have many benefits, including psychological ones, not just strength and muscular based ones. Implementing them into your training from time to time is a great idea and shouldn’t be overlooked.

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