Think Before You Eat

Each time before you eat, think of what your goals are and if this meal choice will help or hinder your progress. Eating is a common social pass-time, but it can stop you from reaching your goals if you don’t put some thought into what you consume. Think about if you are actually hungry, or just eating because you are bored.

Before you overindulge, think of these things…

Are you hungry, or are you actually just thirsty? Sometimes, thirst is mistaken for hunger. If you are not keeping up with your water intake, you may actually just be thirsty.

Are you craving something sweet, or are your electrolytes out of balance? In the kidneys, glucose or sugar is filtered with sodium (Na+). When your Sodium (Na+) to glucose ratio is off, which is common during weight loss or low carb diets, cravings will often occur in the form of sweet and/or salty foods.

When cravings occur, it is often helpful to have 1-2Tbs of natural peanut butter, which will help fight off cravings while still maintaining a healthy diet.

If that does not work, you can try having flavorful tea.

If you have to go off your diet…

For most diets, it is reasonable to not be completely strict all the time. It is reasonable to go off of your diet 10-15% of the time and still make progress.

Still, the stricter you are with a diet, the greater your results.

Always remember to keep your goals in mind. Think of what your meal really consist of and be accountable for what you put in your body.

Think of why you started a specific diet and if this meal will help you reach your goals. Each time before you eat, think of what your goals are and if this meal choice will help or hinder your progress.

If you want to learn more about managing your diet, check out our Strength Articles in which we discuss a wide variety of topics to help make you healthier and stronger!

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